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Gamification in Human Resources Management

Essay Instructions:


Answer the following questions regarding your Capstone. The purpose of this activity is to guide you in the completion of the capstone project, serving as your first milestone. Please answer the questions below; read carefully and answer completely to receive full credit.

Required Word Count: 1,000 to 1,500

Please see Assignment resources and helpful tips for instructions on posting your first assignment. "Turn it in" will monitor for plagarism, spelling and grammar. Please make sure you site appropriately in ML8 format.


1. By now, you have become familiar with topics in Human Resources. You have also covered introductory topics in training and development including performance management, adult learning principles, and strategic training. Building upon theories from these covered topics, complete the following:

a. Based on research (cite at least 1 source), previous course knowledge, and any professional experience identify a challenge or knowledge gap that exists in one of the knowledge areas above. Be sure to select the one you are interested in researching and conducting further development for the duration of the class.

b. Develop a report identifying and describing the issue, explaining the research behind it, possible solutions, and possible opportunities for developing employees surrounding this issue/challenge. You must also describe how these challenges can affect strategic organizational goals, and performance. Additionally, describe your interest in this topic. Reports should be double-spaced, 12 point font.

EXTRA CREDIT AVAILABLE: In addition to the report, create a 3-minute video presentation of the report. Video Submissions will be reviewed and considered for 20 points of extra credit. In order to receive full credit, video must include a visual of you along with the presentation and audio. There are several free tools available to help you with this. Creating the video is optional, although it will give you great practice for the final project. A video is required for the final project.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Gamification in Human Resources Management
Due Date
Gamification in Human Resources Management
A gamification is an approach to employee management and development that involves applying game design principles and techniques to various human resources functions. In gamification, various human resources activities such as training and recruitment are transformed into games, where employees earn points, badges, rewards, or progress through levels as they complete the tasks (Kumar et al., 2021). Gamification elements can include challenges, quizzes, simulations, narratives, social interactions, and feedback mechanisms. Gamification can be used in various areas of employee management and development, including recruitment, onboarding, compliance training, sales training, and leadership development (Santos et al., 2021). However, it is important to ensure that gamification strategies are aligned with the learning objectives and are designed to meet the learners' needs and preferences. Notably, gamification is a promising approach to employee management and development that can enhance human resource management and contribute to the achievement of organizational goals.
Literature Review
The use of gamification in employee management and development is based on several psychological and behavioral theories. Notably, the cognitive load theory posits that people have minimal capacity to process information. Consequently, the use of gamification in employee management and development has the potential to enhance the process of employee training and development as the process reduces the cognitive load for the employee by breaking down complex information into smaller, more manageable chunks and presenting it in a visually appealing and interactive format (Vivek & Nanthagopan, 2020). In addition, the flow theory provides a basis for the potential effectiveness of gamification in employee training. The theory proposes that individuals are likely to experience a certain sense of flow if they are fully immersed in a certain activity that they consider to be largely challenging but achievable. Notably, the use of gamification is considered one of the potential ways through which human resources departments can create the conditions that are required to promote flow like the presence of concise goals, immediate feedback, and the effective balance between the skills that an employee has with the challenge that is being tested.
Notably, the behaviorism theory forms the basis of gamification as it is applied to the process of employee management and development. The theory of behaviorism holds that the learning process is significantly supported by using rewards and punishments. Gamification in employee training and development leverages this principle by using rewards, such as badges, points, or levels, to incentivize desired behaviors and reinforce learning (Vardarlier, 2021). The approach creates a sense of achievement and progress, which can increase motivation and engagement. Gamification can use immediate feedback to reinforce learning and behavior. In behaviorism, immediate feedback is essential to shaping behavior. Gamification can provide immediate feedback through interactive activities and simulations, which allow learners to practice skills and receive feedback on their performance in real time.
There are several benefits associated with the use of gamification in human resource management and development in the corporate environment. The use of gamification in various HR functions has been described to increase the level of employee engagement. Gamification creates a more engaging and immersive environment for an employee by incorporating elements such as rewards, challenges, and social interaction that contribute to increased engagement in various HR activities (Santos et al., 2021). The use of gamification has also been shown to enhance the o...
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