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Forming a Great Team, Motivation, and Leadership

Essay Instructions:

The following questions need answered really thoroughly:

Question 1) How do you believe a great team is formed and developed? Include what you believe is important for a team to succeed. Elaborate on your thoughts/ideas.

Question 2) Explain the importance of motivation in regard to leadership. Secondly, be specific on steps that you, as a leader, would take in motivating your followers to reach a desired goal. (Recall the films: Sister Act, Dead Poet's Society, Remember the Titans, and others as you form your response.)

Question 3) As a leader, what do you believe is the greatest advantage of empowering others? Are there any disadvantages?

Question 4) Define leadership. Please elaborate fully.

Question 5) Effective leadership requires a sense of morals and ethical standards. In the reading assignments, and in viewing the various films, what ideas/thoughts are important in regard to the relationship between ethics and leadership?

Question 6) A) Share a situation in which you avoided confrontation/conflict. Give the results of this experience. B) Share a situation in which you positively faced confrontation/conflict. Give the results of this experience. (PLEASE ANSWER BOTH PARTS)

Question 7) If you were in a leadership position, how would you deal with your follower's resistance to change?

Question 8) Which film study did you gain the most knowledge or insight? Give three points, from this film, regarding leadership that influenced your leadership philosophy. Let's use the Sister Act as the film.

Question 9) What skills and qualities do you feel are essential for leaders to possess in order to lead successfully?

Question 10) Tell me everything you know about servant leadership. Elaborate!


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Business Management Questions
Question One
A great team is essential for every business as it helps in goal orientation and manifestation. Several aspects are essential for a team to succeed and promote the development of a great team. These include the fact that the team comprehends the goal and is dedicated to pursuing it with purpose. Secondly, the team accepts problems without complaining and always focuses on the goal, even amid conflicts.
Question Two
Motivation is an essential part of leadership. Leaders who are motivated tend to develop teams that are similarly motivated. Secondly, motivated leaders usually boost their productivity and influence their teams to do so. As a leader, there are several steps that are essential in motivating followers. As depicted in the film, 'sister's act' would include tailoring the goal to suit the targeted audience, establishing sources for knowledge and skills, and doing away with the status quo.
Question Three
The greatest advantage of empowering others as a leader is that the followers know the main goal and are dedicated and equipped to reach it. Empowering others enables them to feel comfortable giving their input and carrying out the delegated tasks with adequate support. While empowering others works effectively to improve speed and productivity, it poses a disadvantage where decisions fall from people who are less experts with less experience.
Question Four
Leadership is more than how senior or high one falls in a company's hierarchy. It is not about having a prestigious title or impeccable personal characteristics. Further, leadership is more than just being part of the management or having the power to influence management. Leadership is the ability to have followers and influence them towards translating a vision into reality. It involves empowering others and walking with them toward a great course.
Question Five
Ethics and leadership must flow the same path to help the leader portray thoughtful and appropriate conduct. Ethics in leaders...
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