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Application of Job Characteristics Model of Being a Student

Essay Instructions:

*Using the Job Characteristics Model in Chapter 6 how would you design a job for being a college student? You should study Figure 6.2 as well as the information about autonomy and feedback to create the job description of being a student

The written paper should present the following sections:

1. Skill Variety: (describe the skills that students for this class and how they will be used)

2. Task Identity: (describe what quality products/assignments a student is going to produce with her/his name on the products)

3. Task Significance: (analyze the assignments that are required and describe the significance of those assignments/tasks for success in the future)

4. Autonomy: (classify those tasks that allow a student to be in control of his/her work within the class and then describe those actions that a student controls that contribute to her/his success)

5. Feedback; (indicate the instances when feedback is given and evaluate the value of the feedback)

Next, analyze your model and tell why you would take this class model that you created.

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Application of Job Characteristics Model of Being a Student

Skill Variety

In this class, students acquire a wide variety of abilities, such as communicating effectively, cooperating effectively with others, thinking critically, and solving problems. The skills described above will be used for the class in activities such as studying case studies, cooperating with other students on group projects, and participating actively in discussions (Bauer and Erdogan 117). Skills in critical thinking can be used in various contexts, including analyzing real-world organizational issues and conceiving possible solutions to such problems. On the other hand, if you want to do well in class and groups, you need to have good speaking skills.

Task Identity

The students enrolled in the course will be responsible for generating assignments and 

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