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Youth Unemployment. Social Sciences Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

help you answer the questions. You may briefly introduce possible solutions, but they can be reserved for the final assignment, Problem and Solutions Essay, whose focus will be on solutions.The topic should be worth writing about. It should be a problem that many people, countries, organizations or experts are currently trying to solve. You should choose your problem topic carefully. You may NOT change it when moving on to the final Problem/Solution argumentative paper.Your Topic Proposal should have the following components to receive a full credit.
1. Description of the problem (25%)
1. The essay gives a clear definition of the problem.


1. Description of the problem (25%)
1. The essay gives a clear definition of the problem.
2. The essay delineates the details of the problem.
2. Importance of the problem (25%)
1. The essay argues why this problem is important.
2. The essay describes how important it needs to be solved.
3. Organization (20%)
1. Shows a sophisticated sense of paragraph and essay organization and links paragraphs smoothly with effective transitions.
2. Have clear topic sentences in the beginning of each paragraph
4. Grammar & Mechanics (15%)
1. All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The essay contains no


2. The essay describes how important it needs to be solved.
3. Organization (20%)
1. Shows a sophisticated sense of paragraph and essay organization and links paragraphs smoothly with effective transitions.
2. Have clear topic sentences in the beginning of each paragraph
4. Grammar & Mechanics (15%)
1. All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. The essay contains no errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling.
5. MLA Style (15%)
1. All sources are cited in MLA style, including in-text citation and works cited page.
2. All sources used in the essay are academic and pertinent to the essay.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Youth Unemployment
It has been repeatedly said that the youth are the drivers of the world’s future. All leaders in the world believe the youth will replace them tomorrow. However, do the youth believe in these statements or do they share the same sentiments? Well, the answer is no. The youth feel forgotten, and this is mainly because of the lack of jobs in the world today. From a young age, children are asked to dream big and to confidently pursue what they believe in. A majority if not all of these dreams are intertwined with education which means that children are encouraged to work hard in school and to attain the highest honors. To some, this means attaining a bachelor’s degree while to others this may mean advancing their education to attain a Master’s degree or even a Ph.D. The sad thing about all the above is that after working hard and cementing one’s place, a higher percentage of the youth find themselves with no employment. Bedurftig et al. (2015) note that “structural unemployment is preventing millions of young men and women from gaining a foothold in the world of work.” While this may not be a problem in some quarters, it is a major problem for not only the youth but also governments. The youth see their dreams becoming further and further improbable while governments see consumer spending decrease which negatively impacts the economy.
First of all, it is crucial to note that youth unemployment is a global issue. Young men and women all over the world are unemployed or are finding it difficult to find employment. Bedurftig et al. (2015) note that “as many as 73 million young people were out of work worldwide in 2013, and while economic growth is creating jobs, average youth unemployment remains alarmingly high.” As per the image shown below, youth unemployment is a problem that plagues so many countries. In the U.S., for example, the rate of youth unemployment hovers around 9%, and even though this number has been dropping for years, the problem persists. Without a vibrant youth that is motivated to pursue their dreams, the future of the world is indeed in jeopardy.
Youth unemployment also comes with a myriad of problems. On most occasions, these problems center on how countries are economically impacted and only a few consider the mental effect this problem has on the youth at large. It is true that countries endure tough times economically when a majority of their youth are unemployed. However, there are other issues as well the main one being the mental effects youth unemployment has on the youth. When young men and women, ful...
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