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Written Assignment #2 - with Bibliography

Essay Instructions:


2 pages, double spaced, Times New Roman, size 11 or 12 font, 1” margins,

Plus single page bibliography accurately documented

No double space between paragraphs

And simple heading should only read:


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Writing assignment #2 is a discussion of your object as it relates to its context. What is happening in the time period in which your object was produced? What are the priorities of its culture? How does your object intersect with larger cultural conversations in its form and content?

Your paper should have multiple paragraphs, with clear topic sentences and with polished writing.

Your bibliography must include at least 5 scholarly sources, documented with correct Chicago Manual of Style formatting (Notes and Bibliography). You must include at least two books and one scholarly article, and at least one of your references must deal with history only, not art history specifically.

Read and take notes on your sources, but be careful to synthesize and note where you are quoting directly. Be careful to distinguish your ideas and words from that of your sources. Do not plagiarize. Instances of plagiarism will be brought forward to the academic honest council.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name Professor Name Course Date Picture Analysis Fist fighting, also known as ancient Greek boxing, dates back to the 8th century B.C. It was the time when different techniques or methods of boxing were introduced. Gloved boxing bouts were a must part of the Greek athletic culture. According to Panos Valavanēs, the top priority of this culture was boxing, and Mycenaean warriors were always encouraged to play using their own methods (Valavanēs 132). Ancient people considered boxing the best contest held in memorial of Achilles' slain friend Patroclus by the end of the Trojan war. The best and most accepted rules and regulations of ancient Greek boxing are purely based on historical images and references. From these two photos, it is evident that boxing was not played using ordinary techniques in the early classical period. Instead, the two boxers were first to hold hands of each other tightly, and then they were required to push one another back for a few minutes. He who could push the opponent back was able to put a lot more pressure in order to increase his chances of winning the game. The victory was decided based on the physical and mental strength of the two fighters. It’s safe to say that these two images have a lot to learn from. First of all, they deliver a message that unlike today’s games, boxing in ancient times consisted of simple yet effective techniques. For instance, participants were trained on punching bags, known as korykos, and fighters had to wear leather straps, known as himantes (Crowther 43). Both of these objects, which I have chosen to analyze, interact with the larger cultural convers...
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