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Writing Process Essay-Directions

Essay Instructions:
Prepare a 700- to 1050-word essay in which you review and reflect upon your current writing process. Consider the questions below as you review your current writing process and reflect upon it. You do not need to answer each question, and you should not write directly in response to them in a question and answer format. Instead, use these questions to prompt your thinking about your writing process. Then shape your thoughts into a unified essay as described in your reading, with a distinct introduction, body paragraphs, and a clear conclusion. Give your essay a title, and revise it for clarity and cohesion. a. How do you get started on a writing project? b. What steps are involved, and in what order do you take them? c. Which stage or stages of the writing process (as described in your reading) are most challenging for you? Why? d. Which stage or stages of the writing process (as described in your reading) are easiest for you? Why? e. What areas of the writing process do you understand best? What areas do you understand least? How is your current level of understanding reflected in your writing? f. When and why do you involve others in your individual writing process, and with what results? g. How much time do you devote to each stage of the writing process, and why? h. How do you determine if a piece of writing is complete? i. Does your writing process differ according to the nature of the project? (For example, if you are writing a letter versus writing an essay?) If so, how, why, and in what ways? How might you adapt some of the methods used in your more successful writing to areas that challenge you more? j. What role does research play in your writing process? k. How can your existing process be improved, and what steps will you take to improve it? Be sure to use the Structure of an Essay to organize your essay. Submit your essay to WritePoint. Make all corrections before submitting your essay for grading. Do not use the second person pronoun “you” in the essay.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
WRITING PROCESS ESSAY-DIRECTIONS Name Institution Affiliation Course Date of Submission Writing Process Essay-Directions I consider getting started as the hardest part of any wring that I embark on. I have appreciated over time that the best way of getting started really, is just to start writing. Sometimes it helps to write just about anything that comes into my mind, even if it may not be my assigned topic, I just let my juices flow. The first step is usually to just pick somewhere to start. I have realized that one of the reasons that we get stuck in a writing project is that we just don`t know where to begin. If the project ahead of me is a huge one, I always elect to start with whatever feels the easiest. That part may be the section of the project that probably does not require much research as opposed to the most intricate section of the project. It could be a particular section or part of the project that appears especially attractive, that is where I would conveniently start with. The next step is usually making a writing appointment. If I am going to write, I always carve out time out of my schedule. I block out an hour or so for that; during which I am going to write. At times getting an hour becomes unrealizable, and for this I block out at least just fifteen minutes to begin with, mostly I make it the first thing in the morning, or right after dinner. The third step is usually motivating myself. In this, I do not prefer to start at a blank page; rather, I try to jot down a few points to ensure I understand the topic. This entails spending the first ten minutes of my writing session writing as fast as I can about anything. The last step of any of my writing project is using a timer. Timers are great for writing warm-ups, and I find them helpful as I focus on my major projects. There are many timers that are available, I prefer the Tick Tock Timer. When I want to undertake a piece of writing, I ordinarily set my timer to anywhere between 15 minutes and one hour, and as long as the clock is ticking, I don`t stop writing. The most challenging stage of my wring projects is the fact that I hardly ever feel quite ready to write. I always find myself thinking that probably there is a better time to write, maybe when I have got more energy, when my day is not hectic or maybe when I have less chores and errands. Writing is not a walk in the park, it weighs on me emotionally and mentally, and there is always a good excuse to not write. The easiest stage of my writing project is the warm-up part. ...
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