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Writing a Memo to Communication Skills Department Manager

Essay Instructions:

i have to write a memo about: My growth as a writer what i still need to work on as a writer and what skills to improve and discuss my teacher's skills : How is he helping me and how can he do something different. i would say he helps me a lot by making the peer review work during class where all students give feedbacks on each others essays and the conferences he makes with us sometimes in the library to discuss with us our projects. i think what he can make different is maybe make the students to participate more in class. the format for writing a Memo is below : DATE: The full date with the month spelled out TO: The name of the person to whom you're sending the memo FROM: Your name (often with hand-written initials after your name) SUBJECT: A TITLE THAT SUMMARIZES CONTENT If you are new to memo-writing, the following guidelines should give you a quick overview of the basic format conventions from the general set-up and spacing to the use of headings and bullets. Basic Format Conventions Let me begin by reviewing some basic points about spacing, alignment, and subject lines. Spacing. Remember to single-space within paragraphs and doubled-space between them. (See this page as an example.) You should try to keep a memo as concise as possible. If it’s more than one page long, it will generally use headings. (Please see the next section for more information on headings.) Alignment. Memos often use a fully blocked style where paragraphs begin flush left (as they do in this memo.) You will also notice alignment details at the top of the memo. The top of the memo typically has four items (just like the top of this page): 1. The date 2. The name of the person you are writing 3. Your name 4. The subject At the top of this page, notice how tabs line up the information that goes opposite each of these four points. Subject Lines. The subject needs to be a concise summary of the main idea. The subject line is often put in boldface font to help it stand out. It typically uses title case (i.e., initial caps for all major words). Using Headings to Highlight and Organize Ideas Notice how headings (and underlined sub-headings in the previous section) help highlight and organize the information in this memo. You might also notice how the memo begins with an overview of main ideas and the organization of the whole text so that readers know what to expect as they read on. Each major section (marked by a heading) also tends to give a quick introductory statement before moving to bulleted lists or sub-headings. Additional Memo Guidelines Here are a few more conventions of the memo genre that you might find helpful. In this section, you might notice how bullets help identify and emphasize brief points. C When organizing your memo, start with what's most important to readers and move to less important information C Use descriptive headings, paragraph breaks, strategic bullet lists, and graphics (if appropriate) to help readers move through your text quickly C When using bulleted lists, try to introduce them with a sentence or paragraph. In general try to limit yourself to five bullets in any one list. C Keep your tone and style appropriate to your goals, readers, and argument. Conclusion Like any genre, you’ll see plenty of variations on the basic elements. This overview is meant to give you a general idea of conventions; it is not meant as a set of hard-and-fast rules. Ask questions, take note of how other memos are formatted, and experiment a bit as you try your hand at this genre.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

DATE: 3rd October 2016
TO: Communication Skills Department Manager, Henry Bright
FROM: John More
Introduction and Changes Expected
Growing as a good writer is a daunting undertaking for any student who wants to perfect their communication skills. In the few years after I began my course, I have had the chances to practice writing and to make improvements whenever possible. These are amidst challenges of learning the best writing techniques that should go above par to meet the communication needs. However, none becomes perfect without improvements. Some matters would require reexamination.
On self-examination, improvements in my writing will demand three major issues. First, broadening my know-how of English language, which is the basic language for academics. A well-established English mastery becomes an immovable anchor to skillful writing. In doing so, the grammatical strength and proper lexical organization will help in clear and concise writing. It makes it easy to write to any person or group of individuals depending on their experience with the language. Besides, one can have numerous words to choose from.
Choice of Tone and Examples
The tone of writing changes in different ways. It can be an academic, legal, religious, and media or informal. I must be able to select my tone to fit the right people. Choosi...
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