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2 pages/≈550 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 7.2

Writing To Make Money And Acquire Enough Wealth

Essay Instructions:

4) Your Artist Statement (1-2 pages)
Consider the writing you've done in this class, personal narrative, manifesto, reflections, and your script and examine the themes and content you write about. What drives you? What is your voice as an artist and a writer? What is important to you as a writer? What speaks to you? What is your mission or goal? What do you hope readers will get from your writing? Finally – how does your writing correspond with your identity and how you will continue to share your voice?
There is no structured format for this, but seek to answer the above questions as well as referencing your included writings.
5) Your Self-Assessment/Process essay (1-2 pages)
This paper is more fundamental than your artist statement. Discuss your process of writing in this class. What have you learned about yourself as a writer? What do you want to keep working on? What are you proud of? What have you noticed about your habits? Has your writing improved? If so, how? Additionally, please assess the course and your role in it. Reflect on the assignments, projects, methods, etc.
just one page for each.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Instructor’s name
Artist Statement
All writers have a purpose for writing. Some writers write to make money and acquire enough wealth. Others write to satisfy themselves. In my writings, I write to tell the world about my feelings and how the world has changed me. My works, especially my scripts, are meant to entertain my readers. My primary motivation as a writer is the joy of satisfying my readers.
An author’s voice defines the peculiarity of choice of words, content, and punctuation in writing. In my work, all of them are centered in the city and concerned about lives of young people in the city. The choice of my words is driven by the behavior of the youths in the cities, and I believe they are unique and can be used to identify my works even along the streets.
Writers have different aims in writing. In my case, the most crucial thing to me as a writer is to deliver clearer messages to my readers precisely. I want to see them smile at my work; get entertained, while at the same time getting my intended message. I believe an artist’s work without a message is useless no matter how it entertains. The perception of people about the message in my work coupled with my experience helps me write more work; I can say both speak to me.
As a writer, people believe you are right. In my writings, my main aim is to provoke peoples' understanding of the things they have little knowledge of and also to strengthen the ideas they have about particular situations. I make my readers believe that I am the best...
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