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Wk 4 Discussion - Leading Texts Literature & Language Essay

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Wk 4 Discussion - Leading Texts

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Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

Each field of study, or discipline, contains pioneering and leading texts that shape how specific topics are discussed, debated, and defined. They are often the starting point for any rhetorical argument of a topic; ignorance of them is quickly perceived by those in the know. Imagine, for example, making a religious argument without any knowledge of the Bible, or a psychological argument without some background knowledge of Sigmund Freud’s works. 

Consider the intersection between the concept of leading texts and what you learned from Engaging Chapters 17, 24 and 31. How does a strong understanding of a discipline’s leading texts help you analyze the audience for a piece of writing? How does it help you develop strong a argument? 


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Wk 4 Discussion - Leading Texts
Wk 4 Discussion - Leading Texts
Understanding the leading texts within a discipline is important because it provides a basis for understanding the main issues that readers want to be addressed. Before undertaking any study or research on an issue, it is essential to understand what others had written about the same. As a researcher or writer, you always want to address people interested or challenged by what you are proposing. Therefore, having a comprehensive understanding of the leading texts enables you to visualize the main questions that potential readers want to be answered. In this regard, it will refine your research and evaluate the type of literature you can use to address the leading text's is...
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