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Which poem of William Blake you would like to share with people you love and why.

Essay Instructions:

Which poem of William Blake you would like to share with people you love and why.


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In William Blake’s collection of Songs of Innocence, the poem The Little Black Boy presents a unique concept of love amidst epitomized hatred in the time of the slave trade. In summary, the poem revolves around a black slave child who recounts the tale of how he came to know his very own personality and to know God. The child, who was conceived in "the southern wild" of Africa, first clarifies that even though his skin is dark; his spirit is as white as that of an English kid. He shares how his adoring mother showed him God who lives in the East, who gives light and life to all creation and solace and satisfaction to all human beings. "We are put on earth," his mother elucidates to figure out how to acknowledge God's affection. He is informed that his dark skin "is but a cloud" that will be scattered when his spirit meets God in paradise.
The narrator passes on this knowledge of love to an English kid, clarifying that his white skin is more or less the same. He pledges that when they are both free of their bodies and savoring the experience of the nearness of God, he will shade his white companion until he, as well, figures out how to hold up under the warmth of God's adoration. At that point, the narrator says, he will resemble the English kid, and the English kid will love him. Notably, The Little Black Boy is crafted out of vivid metaphors of light and dark while focusing on spiritual arousal to a...
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