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7 Pages Essay Assignment - Why Twilight So Popular

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Why Twilight is so popular
Twilight film is a romantic fantasy film based on the novel “Twilight” by Stephenie Meyer (Clarke 3). Twilight focuses on a new found relationship between a teenage girl and a vampire and how the vampire and his family tries to save the girl from a coven of evil vampires. Women liked watching Twilight and even became obsessed with it watching it more than once. This paper takes a critical analysis of why Twilight movie is so popular.
Why the audience mostly compromised women of varying ages
The Twilight eclipse made women of all ages develop an insatiable hunger that made them like everything in the film and all the characters. The women became lustful for the externally devoted leading man. Psychologically, men and women think differently about sex as men are turned on by visual clues and this means the differences between men and women are based on attractions. Therefore, the film Twilight attracted more women the vampire in the movie is a bad boy and women tend to be attracted to dangerous men who are unpredictable and strong (Erzen 46). Women tend to be attracted to masculine men and the vampire in the movie possessed these masculine traits. The vampire in Twilight was dangerous, although at times it was romantic and this made women to be obsessed with Twilight. Women tend to be attracted to masculine men as women take them as courageous, strong and self-confident and they can protect them in case of danger. Therefore, the vampire in the film has some romantic qualities and still a bad boy with exaggerated qualities which makes sense to women and makes them fall in love with the vampire (Mail Online, 3 July, 2010).
The exact appeal to women in Twilight is the sexual psyche derived from the desires and the place of women in our culture and society as the vampire posses such attractive qualities. The romance episodes between the teenage girl and the vampire were a major attraction to women to Twilight. The love triangle between the girl and Taylor reaches its peak with Eclipse and this teaches that a man can make a girl seduce him instead of seducing her (Hardwicke 2008). The vampire expresses the love to the girl through kissing her and this makes the girl grasp him for more. Even though in his assessment of the film, Dr. Hawes argues that, “the character Bella in the film Twilight fails to confront the challenges in life of a modern 17-year old girl but rather opts to evade them by being transformed into a vampire” (Clarke 8). However, women are obsessed with the manner in which “Edward” the man in her life adores her with contact through taking her face in his hands, brushing his fingers across her cheek and offering a protective hand around her waist before kissing her. All these actions attract women and make them obsessed with Twilight as they are romantic scenes (Mail Online, 3 July, 2010).
Twilight appeal to a broad age range
Middle- aged women as well as teens were obsessed with the twilight saga and this made it have a wide range of age. The love story contained in Twilight makes the story unconventionally adolescent. The teenage girl falls in love with a vampire who is actually over one hundred years and the real appeal about the relationship is pure, unadulterated love, innocence and intense, sexual tension, promise and as well as all taken life or death seriously. Therefore, the book is more appealing to the teens as well as the old as the teen’s experience love and the old remember their teen love. The vampire’s impeccable manners, moral sense and speaking are all old-fashioned and this is more appealing to older people. The traditional role of women in the society is taking care of the family through cooking and cleaning, in this case, the teen girl does all those responsibilities and these maternal traits are attractive to older women. Twilight contains messages that are empowering both the teens and older women in relationships and this makes women of all ages obsessed with Twilight. According to Clarke, the film is based on a graphic novel which is full of pursuit of fantasy (11). Passion is as much about fantasy as reality and Twilight has expressed the passion that exists between the teen girl and Edward and this reminds most of the women both the teens and the old about the drunken college hookups, booty calls and scheduling sex in a marriage. However, Twilight in a way makes women long for sex and this is appealing for all women from the teens to the old who are in a relationship. The great escapism expressed in Twilight has created a strong bond between adult women and this has led to the popularization of Twilight among the adult women (Mail Online, 3 July, 2010).
The vampire takes control of the teen girl as he constantly tells her that he is dangerous and constantly controls their sexual boundaries. While vampires have not been presented in the past to give a sexual appeal, the past fictions intended not to target the young audience specially women (Dowdle 180). Most of the women fall in love with the character of the Twilight’s vampire leading to obsession with Twilight. Twilight encourages the teens to abstain and maintain sexual purity as the teen girl who falls in love with the vampire has low self-esteem and is only interested in worshipping the vampire. Therefore, Twilight is more appealing to women as the teens are expected to abstain and the older women admire this as they expect their daughters to do and this makes twilight more appealing to women of all ages. Twilight expresses domestic violence in an erotic manner and this makes women of all ages admire the relationship making them obsessed (Dowdle 183). The vampire wants to protect the teen girl though not having sex with her and this makes him sexy-safe for women and this character attracts women to get obsessed with Twilight (Mail Online, 3 July, 2010).
Why Twilight does not attract male viewers.
Twilight does not appeal to most of men because the character of the man is romantic and the girl is expressed as being submissive and not very attractive (Erzen 45). P...
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