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Why People Own Pets

Essay Instructions:
this paper has to be a cause and effect paper
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Why People Own Pets
Human beings own pets for several reasons, this paper is going to discuss on the reasons why people keep pets at home, before venturing into the reasons why pets are important in human lives; it is important to understand what the term Pet stands for; a pet is a domesticated animal that is kept by an individual for different reasons depending on an individuals likes, these likes includes amusement, companionship, security and many other reasons as will be indicated in the paper (Bird, par 1). Domestication of these animals may include domestic or tamed wild animals that are and kept in the house by their owner, they include animals like the dog, cat, parrots, guinea pig amongst other animals (wild or domestic animals), it is noted that the cat and dog are the most common animals kept at home.
The reasons of the pets at home
There are varied reasons that are seen as the reasons why pets are kept in the houses, one main reason that pets kept in the homes is because the pets provides the individuals with entertainment and company. In most cases the dogs, cats and birds like the parrots offers an individual with company and entertainment when an individual is at home alone, the dog or cat will offer the owner with entertainment as they will engage in activities that will entertain the owner, a parrot on the other hand will entertain and offer companionship to the owner as it is able to mimic the words that have been previously been said by the people living around it and communicate effectively to the owner thus providing the individual with companion.
The other reason why people keep pets is because they are concerned about the well being of these animals, humans also have feelings and that is extended to the pets where one keeps the pets for the purpose of taking great care of these pets. This is providing them with appropriate food, shelter, bath and medical care (Bird, par 4). This ensures that the pets are well taken care off and live comfortable.
The other reason why people keep pets is for health reasons; medical research has indicated that an individual who owns a pet has the likelihood of reducing stress, improved moods, and improved blood pressure (Bird, par 3). S...
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