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Why is Mexico Viewed as Corrupt and Weak?

Essay Instructions:

Times New Roman, 12 point font, double space 1" margins. Use at least 3 sources (below are some to help). Essay must be 5 pages maximum. 

Cevallos, Diego. "Monitor.net." 8 June 2007. Poorly-paid mexican police tempted by drug mafia. http://www(dot)monitor(dot)net/monitor/0706a/copyright/mexicodrugpolicesalary.html.

"Heritage.org." 2015. Mexico. http://www(dot)heritage(dot)org/index/country/mexico.

"The Huffington Post." 18 october 2015. Mexico corruption. http://www(dot)huffingtonpost(dot)com/news/mexico-corruption/.

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Why Is Mexico Viewed As Corrupt And Weak?
Developing countries have various issues that hinder the growth of their economy. The leaders chosen in these countries are the major reason these countries are lagging behind in development. Instead of working for the people, we find those in higher offices working towards getting themselves rich. Corruption is the major disease in these countries that needs to be eradicated. Let us take a look at a case study of a country like Mexico. Most people view the country as corrupt and weak.
Mexico's fight for independence was a destructive war. It destroyed the mining and agricultural economy that the colonial powers relied upon. During this time, trade itself was a problem since most people in Mexico lived in the highlands and navigable rivers were scarce. This made the cost of doing trade expensive. Due to the war, economic developments to aid in trade such as building the railway were delayed. After independence, Mexico continued fighting wars with Spain, France, the state of Texas and even the United States itself. As a result of the instability, development projects were delayed. Without any economic developments during those years of war, Mexico became a weak state, and weak states are perfect breeding grounds for corruption. You have to be corrupt to obstruct justice or get things done.
Mexico has been under the leadership of a single party, the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) for over seventy years. This was mainly by relying on a person's measure as far as the politicians were concerned. Politicians thus offered bribes to citizens for their support and to aid in their reelection. This led to the flourishing of political corruption, and it harbored incompetent politicians in its wake. Incompetent leaders led to economic and social neglect. Due to this low accountability of those who were in office then, outsiders have seen Mexico as a weak and corrupt state. Edmonds-Poli & Shirk (2012) argue that corruption in Mexico has affected the country's transparency, effectiveness, legitimacy, and accountability.
Surveys done show that sometimes the rule of law makes Mexico come out as a weak country. At times, people who are guilty of committing crimes go unpunished. This is because they can be able to buy themselves out of any situation. An example of this is the escape from prison of a renowned drug lord, Joaquín "El Chapo" Guzman. Following Manwaring and Corr (2014), "El Chapo" escaped before he could be extradited to the USA to answer for drug charges. This drug lord has escaped from prison twice. He is a ruthless person promoting violence against his inter-cartel rivals and enemies. The first time he escaped prison, he strolled out after paying off the prison officials. The second time, he escaped through a tunnel. This two escapes of one of the most wanted drug lord show the inefficiency of the Mexican government. The corruption rot in all levels of the government and the justice system were exposed. Observers said that on his second escape, "El Chapo" exposed the structural weakness of the Mexican government.
Another reason Mexico is viewed as corrupt and weak is their informal economy. Between one and two third of Mexico's population rely on the informal economy to make their ends meet. These are the illegal economic practice...
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