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What's There to Eat?McDonald's: Fewer Happy Meal orders opting for soda

Essay Instructions:

Using the techniques described in Chapters 1-3 of The Say/I Say, write an analytical summary of one of the essays we have not discussed in “What's There to Eat?”

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ALL assignments must be submitted in proper MLA format. This means: summaries will be double-spaced, typed in no larger than 12pt standard font, have one inch margins, a header in the upper right corner of every page, and in-text citations.


Posted on August 31, 2017 by younnggsavage

Chapter 1 ) Graff and Birkenstein indicate the importance of how to become a worthy writer. The first element they talk about is what are others saying; this can be our guidance and break down the issue that is being discussed. Always state what “they say” first so you could have some feedback on your own thoughts. Graff and Birkenstein also talk about always give the reader a quick preview about your argument , don’t give away details right away. There are some writing templates in the book that could be effective when you start your intro. When reading “they say” always bring back to mind to what conclusion you’re responding back to.

Chapter 2) Chapter 2 its all about how to write a summary effectively what other people have to say. One of the rules of writing a summary is know how to balance what a authors first-hand information says and also the writers focus too. Also when writing a summary its a good way to put yourself in someone’s else’s shoes, its called the “believing game” you join in the conversation seeing their own context and own arguments. Mostly every time when someone writes a summary and summarize an authors argument they get lost through their own text and focus on something else.

Chapter 3) The main idea in chapter 3 is “art of quoting” quoting someone else’s words can give you a chance to assure its fair and detailed. When in quoting always make sure what you want do to with them , that’s how they will support your visual text. Having back up evidence for a quote is always a good thing to have, its like an explanation to why you choose that quote for your argument. When looking for quotes be alert and confirm to yourself if this matches up with the argument . They say when practicing in these templates on the book will help you understand how to choose the right quoting.

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October 12, 2018
What’s There to Eat?
In an article written by Choi, entitled “McDonald's: Fewer Happy Meal orders opting for soda,” she discussed the recent trend of soda consumption relative to the number of happy meals ordered in McDonald’s. Specifically, the author reported that as compared to 2014, the number of consumers who have chosen soda as their beverage in 2015, has been down to 48% (Choi). On the one hand, this shows how the preferences of its consumers have changed over the years and opted to a more ‘healthier alternatives.’ On the other hand, this also exemplifies the food chain's dedication towards making its food ‘healthier,’ amidst all the criticisms about possible health implications from eating its food. While this does not mean that McDonald’s would stop featuring the drink as the partner for its means, they pledged to do everything that it could in order to make ...
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