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What Lips My Lips have Kissed, and Where, and Why

Essay Instructions:

Hello. I have this Poetry Explication Essay. Please make sure it written in MLA format. My teacher will give me 0 out of 100 if i missed any of the MLA format. I will be posting few attachments and one of them is an example of essay from previous semester. Please make sure you follow all her rules thank you so much.

The book we are using is:

portable literature reading reacting writing 8th edition

Guide to MLA format when writing about Poetry:


Purdue University Guidelines for Writing About Poetry:



Essay Sample Content Preview:
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Literature and Language
What lips my lips have kissed, and where, and why
The explication of the poem tells a story that is common in all of the people in the world. This is the reason why it was chosen to complete this requirement. The title of the poem suggests that the speaker in the poem is talking about the loves she had and now they are only a memory. Some of them she refuses to remember and chooses to bury them completely in the past. Furthermore, the poem also implies how suffering and hurt can bring cold nights to a person who was left by a lover. The line “Is full of ghosts tonight, that tap and sigh, upon the glass and listen for reply”, is a good example of showing the speaker’s hope for the return of a love that was lost or even the mere presence of a person.
In terms of the poem’s biography, the pertinent message is about longing and forlorn love because the speaker is sad about what happened and the disappointment from losing love in the long run. Moreover, the message of love is universal and it does affect a lot of aspects in the world; not just romantic love. The ones who have experienced this kind of melancholic period in their life will be able to relate well to the poem well because they are also aware of how it feels.
The poem can be summarized by saying that what the lips of the speaker have kissed all have a explanation and she did not do it without any emotions. The memories haunt her in the morning, at night, and that is what stirs her heart to feel the pain. In addition to this, there are lads she does not want to remember because it will only make her nights darker and lonelier. It will leave her so entwined in thinking about them that she will not notice what is happening outside her anymore. The speaker also finds it hard to differentiate which was true or not, but all she knows that some of them have brought her warmth, even if it was not permanent.
The poem’s dramatic situation is about a woman who is recalling the loves that have gone in her life and she is lonely because none of them are already there with her. This is why the tone of the poem...
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