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1 pages/≈275 words
Literature & Language
English (U.S.)
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What Are Factors Limiting Disabled People?

Essay Instructions:

Compose a statement of purpose for your A2 Wakelet project. This is an exercise in establishing clear, precise language to guide yourself, and to convince others that you’ve done the work to make a viable plan—that you’ve made yourself qualified and capable of pursuing this project. Divide your statement into the following categories and answer each one:

Purpose: Quickly tell us what you’re doing and why it’s worth doing.

Audience: Define a few broad categories of audience who would most likely read a Wakelet project on this particular subject. What assumptions and expectations would each likely carry into their reading of your work? Which audiences might be resistant to your way of framing this conversation? Why? What rhetorical choices will you make to minimize such resistance?

Context: Consider the time, place, medium, previous narratives of your subject, and anything else that surrounds the text you will produce for A2. What are the most relevant contexts for you to consider as you work? Why?

Risks: Identify potential risks in you doing this project in the way you’ve decided to do it. What rhetorical effects will you work to deliberately avoid? How will you try to avoid them?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
[Your Name] [Instructor Name] [Course Number] [Date] ‘What Are Factors Limiting Disabled People’ Disabled people go through a myriad of challenges in their day to day lives. This happens both at home and in their places of work .This paper looks into some factors which limit the disabled from living a normal life. This is worth doing as it will highlight the challenges as well as help address them and create a guiding pathway to having a real life, practical solutions. There are two broad categories of audiences the project targets, the disabled and those not living with any disability. Each of the two groups has their assumptions regarding the topic, and these assumptions they will carry along while reading this work. Those living with a d...
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