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The War On Terror Has Contributed To The Growing Abuse Of Human Rights

Essay Instructions:

In response to many student requests, I am providing this extra credit writing assignment. Please pay careful attention to the due date and requirements of the assignment. This is not required and is completely optional. Make sure your required assignments are complete before attempting this extra credit assignment.

You will need to write a persuasive essay arguing one side of one of the following issues. You will need to use all three types of rhetorical persuasion we have studied in your essay and will need to supply examples to support your rhetoric. You are welcome to take a side or argue an issue you don’t agree with as long as your rhetoric is powerful.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor: Subject: Date due: The war on terror has contributed to the growing abuse of human rights The fight against terrorism is unlike any other kind of war witnessed. Unlike other wars, terrorism cross state, national and international territories and the lack of two sides that can come together and agree on a cease-fire makes it the worst form of destruction worldwide. The beginning of the war on terror was after September 11, 2001attack in America. The attack, among others, resulted in painful consequences for countries such as the United States, Iraq, Pakistan, and Afghanistan. The fight against terrorism led to the change in the global security to prevent these occurrences, which contribute to the rise of abuse of human rights through deaths of citizens as collateral damage, the loss of privacy and the loss of the right to a fair trial. The war on terrorism violates the human right to life by increasing the loss of human lives. According to a research by the Watson Institute of International Studies at Brown University, about three hundred and fifty thousand people have died directly or indirectly during the war on terror. The 14th Amendment of the US Constitution provides for the protection of a person’s right to life. However, governments tend to violate this right while fighting terrorists, with the belief that it is for the greater good. The research further indicates that these people die through torture and intense interrogation due to suspicion of being terrorists. Others died during attacks on terrorist groups carried out through military assault or drone strikes, which result in the deaths of innocent civilians who are caught in the crossfire or become hostages in terror plots. The war o...
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