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Vietnam War. Literature & Language Research Essay Paper

Essay Instructions:

1 How is the Vietnam War going generally in 1968? Tell us about the siege of Khesanh from January to July 1968. What were the particular problems for the Marines at Khesanh. What was the result of this siege.

2 See the introduction to Herr's piece by Tom Wolfe: " I don't think anyone has yet equaled Herr in capturing the peculiar terrors of the war in Vietnam." Using brief quotes, show us three passages where Herr shows these "peculiar terrors."

*3 Look at the passage at the top of page 100 beginning "I would see the thing I knew. . . ." through "a lot of things to laugh about." Say something about the form Herr's reporting takes. One thing to consider: Where is Herr himself in this report? Then compare and contrast this form to that used by one of our other authors.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Vietnam War
Part I
The war at the Khesanh has been one of the most controversial and deadliest Vietnam War, pitting the allies of American and the American marines against the Vietnamese soldiers in the North. There is an agreement that this war occurred at Khesanh. According to Herr, most of the reports given were half-truth and meant to make each side good and capable. Marines at Khesanh were always dealing with war and if they are not out there fighting the Vietnamese insurgents, they were back in the their bankers which leaked of old, sweat, private crud, urine, decay and other smell that were familiar at combat zones. The bunkers were filled with rats, some that would run around, some caught in the laid traps and others poisoned and were decaying in the same bunker. According to Herr the exhaustion and fear is what caused the bunker to give the odor (113).
The marines suffered some more after the Langvei attack, because an entire platoon had been wiped out, Hill 861 got hit three days straight and the situation was turned into siege. Not knowing whether this was the reason, marine helicopters refused to fly to that art and thus the marine in the region could not get medical supplies or evacuation, they were cut off from resupply and any other support. The region was source of some of the bad legend stories of the war for example one marine had to shoot dead his wounded friend, as he could not get medical help. Some of the marines were suffering from emotional stress especial from back home for example; Orrin received a letter from his wife telling him that she was pregnant by someone else, someone that Orrin knew very well. The stress is so bad that Herr narrates of how he just exposed himself by sitting on top of the sandbags alone above the trenches
Part II
Her technique was to make sure that the story was not autobiographical but rather use the difficult mode of penetrating the psyhes and first hand point of view of the soldiers at the real time with use of the third and the peculiar terrors of the war. For example he observe that
“…three am in the morning and my bloo...
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