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Understanding the Spread of Christianity in India

Essay Instructions:

The final essay should discuss one of the primary sources set or the film discussed during the course. Since the film is also a primary source, consider it equivalent to the fourth set of primary sources. Please, feel free to choose the set that interests you the most among the available options.
In the primary source essay, students are expected to demonstrate their ability to critically read a collection of primary sources and relate it to the broader themes, concepts, and historical processes discussed throughout the course. Essays should be 4 to 6 pages long (double-spaced). The assignment is divided into
two parts: the essay outline and the essay itself. I will provide extensive feedback on the essay outline to help you succeed in the final essay.
The essays should coherently discuss:
a) Why is the collection important? What historical process(es) do they reflect?
b) What is the broader historical context of the document’s production? In other words, what was happening in the world at the time that may have influenced
the how and why of the documents’ production?
c) Briefly comment on each document’s purpose, argument, presuppositions, and
truth content. (See primary source lecture and the Primary Sources Reading Guide)
d) How do the documents of the collection compare? How does the comparison help us understand the historical process(es) in question?
There's one more question for the paper.
What historical processes that happened before the chosen set may help explain the sources’ context of production? (e.g. The document set on the Atlantic revolutions may be related to colonialism in the Americas, Slavery, etc.; or the film about Algeria may be related to new imperialism, World Wars, etc.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Professor’s name
St. Francis Xavier: Letter on the Missions, to St. Ignatius de Loyola, 1549
St. Francis Xavier: Letter on the Missions, to St. Ignatius de Loyola, 1549 was written by St. Francis Xavier to St. Ignatius de Loyola in Rome (Coleridge 6). St. Ignatius of Loyola, a Spanish priest, created the Society of Jesus Christ in 1540, also known as Jesuits, a Catholic Church all-male organization (St. Ignatius de Loyola). Jesuits were individuals of the Society of Jesus Christ, and Christian doctrines and beliefs were practically similar. On the other hand, the Jesuits were a religious order formed to propagate Christianity by whichever reasonable means. As a Portuguese Jesuit missionary, St. Francis Xavier journeyed to India, Malacca, Japan, China, and other Asian nations. In 1547, he went on a mission to Goa, India's westernmost city. Xavier originated from civilization with no contact with Goa's indigenous people of India (Coleridge 6). Between Xavier and his intended targets, there was a significant linguistic barrier. Even though he was able to interact with potential converts and conquer the communication barriers, he could not successfully transmit his ideas and beliefs to the indigenous people. In a letter to St. Ignatius of Loyola in 1549, St. Francis Xavier expressed his fears regarding his ministry to Goa. I selected this text to understand the spread of Christianity in India. This paper will discuss this primary source and show how it relates to broader concepts and historical processes addressed in the course.
Relevance of the text
The importance of this letter was to show St. Ignatius of Loyola the challenges he (St. Xavier) was facing in spreading Christianity in the Goa region of India. Without this letter, the pursuits and efforts of St. Xavier would never have been known, and his works and contribution would never have been appreciated. Although he puts forth his intentions of going to Japan to spread Christianity, he shows that he has tried to spread Christianity to the region. The letter depicts the Catholic church's humility, peace, and patience. The letter shows how St. Xavier and other missionaries dedicated their lives to the good faith of the church and how the church put efforts into countering the negativity faced by the natives at the time. Despite the harsh environment St. Xavier encountered, he was one of the people to spread Christianity in the region, and the religion stuck in the area. Christianity is still used today in the Goa region of India (Pinto 15). The letter also shows how the Portuguese were masters and pioneers of trade in the region. In the letter, St. Xavier acknowledges that the Portuguese were masters of the sea and the coast, implying their trade superiority in the area.
The historical significance of the text
St. Xavier's expedition did not proceed as planned; he rapidly discovered that the Indian inhabitants were hostile to him and his faith. "The entire race of Indians, as far as I have been able to observe, is very barbarous; and it does not want to listen to anything that is not suited to its manners and customs, which, I repeat, are barbarous," he wrote in a letter to St. Ignatius of Loyola (Coleridge 10). Instead of spending time getting to know the people of Goa and local culture, Francis Xavier assumed the natives would convert simply by ordering them to. He recognizes that asking people to relinquish their long-held beliefs is ludicrous, but he is unsure how to persuade the natives to accept Christianity. In a letter to St. Ignatius of Loyola, he voiced his disappointment with not just his journey to India but also with the indigenous people's propagation of Christianity. He requested that supplies be brought to them regularly. He attributes his failure in India not just to the indigenous, who had deep religious bonds and a firm rejection of Christianity, but also to the Portuguese. He also informs St. Ignatius that the towns are too scattered, and the missionaries would never be able to preach the gospel of Christianity since each city is too far apart. There are a few Christians throughout every town and near the sea and along the shore, Portuguese citizens, but there are not enough, and he feels that Christianity can never thrive there. St. Xavier is upset because he and his men are ...
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