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U.S. Culture: Causes and Effects

Essay Instructions:
Assignment Explore an element of U.S. culture of your choosing. You may focus on U.S. culture in general or popular culture. "Culture" is defined by Merriam-Webster's as an "integrated pattern of human knowledge, belief, and behavior." In other words, you can write about what people in the U.S. generally believe or what they do, exploring the causes and effects of these beliefs or actions.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Most people in the United States are perceived to be followers of the western cultures. However, they have various patterns of activities in their day to day life ranging from dressing to eating patterns which stands a bit unique to other parts of the world. One most notable culture in the United States is the high percentage consumption of fast foods. There have been a tremendous shift from consumption of the indigenously cooked foods to fast foods. Kulkarni (p 34) attributes this to the population growth which resulted to different ethnic and cultural groups. According to Statistic Brains (para 6) research study, there are around 160,000 fast food restaurants in America, around 50 million people served daily by these restaurants which brings the country’s annual revenue of $110. This statistic shows how these foods are consumed by a large population in the United States.
The rapid increase in fast food consumption in the United States has been as a result of a number of factors from all sectors. Most of these factors gain their argument on time and less effort in getting things done. To begin with, it's the fact that the rise in fast food consumption in the United States is as a result of changes in lifestyles of the people. The change in people’s lifestyle covers a number of operations; however these changes are notable in the working environment. Working in the States takes most people’s precious time for other activities. Long working hours in the States are denying most families the time to get home and cook; due to this, they prefer the fast foods which are convenient for time management. Deployment of shifts in most working environment is compelling most people to resort to time saving meals for convenience.
The economy growth which accommodates all groups in the states has led a huge number of young affluent people. Young people commonly known for their love for fast foods motivated by their big earnings will spend more on these fast foods.
Fast foods are proving flexible and cheap to all age groups in the United States; this is derived from the fact that most of them are packed at customer request. It’s argued that one can drive while taking foods like hamburgers, hence gaining preference over cooking and sitting around the table to eat.
Aggressive product advertisements is also another key contributor to fast foods consumption rise in the United States. This becau...
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