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The Two Aspects of Freedom for Modern Man

Essay Instructions:

— Answers should be written in complete sentences.

— Wherever appropriate, use quotes and paraphrases to support your answer.

— Answers may overlap.

— demonstrate close reading and consideration (there are many correct answers!).

Here’s an example of length/format:

How directly does “modern man” confront the problem of individuation?

Fromm claims that the problems brought about by individuation — moral aloneness, anxiety, alienation — are problems of which the typical person is not quite aware. Unconsciously, the modern individual covers this insecurity by pursuing social and economic relations, and this even includes “having fun.” Fromm writes prophetically, “whistling in the dark does not bring light” (133). By this, he means that distracting pleasures would not really solve the problem of moral aloneness.

According to this chapter, what effect did the Reformation have on man’s spirit and/or character? What does Fromm mean when he says “individualistic relationship to God? What role did Luther and Calvin play in this process?

What effect did capitalism have on man’s spirit and/or character? How did it change the way he valued himself and his work? And how did it transform society as a whole? What happens to the middle class?

The author distinguishes between two types of freedom: negative (freedom “from”) and positive (“freedom to”). Can you think of any relevant and/or contemporary “freedom from”? A rule that was either loosened or removed entirely? In addition to freeing people “from” something, did it also come with a “freedom to”? An opportunity to act positively?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Two Aspects of Freedom for Modern Man
Before Protestantism, the man lived by a social system that provided limitations to his freedom. The reformation broke this system to set man free and bring about a sense of individualism. The reformation made man self-reliant and independent, but it brought isolation in its wake. The individual became free from old restraints but faced new challenges, such as the authority of public-opinion and lack of originality. Protestantism changed the relationship of man with God as well. The Catholic Church would symbolize a relationship to God through itself only. It would negate the individuality of a man and lay importance on the fact that to have a relationship with God; man must be a part of the Church. Fromm analyses the change creating an individual bond between God and man CITATION Eri41 \p 182 \l 1033 (Fromm 182) . Luther termed faith to be subjective, whereas Calvin had referred to one&rsq...
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