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ENG1100 Project 2: Mr. Trump Alone Can Order a Nuclear Strike

Essay Instructions:

ENG1100Writing Project 2: Response to an Op-Ed(at least 1,000 words)(20% of final course grade)Due DatesHere are the important due dates: Topic Proposal due on Wednesday, October 4th via Blackboard by 11:59 p.m. a 1st draft due for peer review (Bring 3 copies) – Saturday, October 7th  a final draft due for teacher review and a tentative grade – Saturday, October 14th by 11:59 p.m. via Blackboard Goals of the AssignmentThe main goals of the assignment are: To help you critically read and respond to texts To help you develop and sustain a controlling idea and to relate your own   ideas to others’• To help you refine your writing processes (prewriting, drafting, getting feedback, revising, designing, editing, reflecting, and assessing)• To give you further practice in producing a text appropriate for a particular audience and purposeCourse Learning Outcomes AddressedThe course learning outcomes addressed by the assignment are: Demonstrate rhetorical knowledge Engage in critical thinking, reading, and writing Develop effective composing processes Collaborate during the writing process in a social setting Use appropriate conventions for format, documentation, and editing Adapt composing processes to electronic environments ____________________________________________________________________The AssignmentThe term “Op-ed” is an abbreviation for "opposite-the-editorial-page.”  It’s a genre of writing that typically appears in newspapers, and it usually focuses on expressing personal opinions or viewpoints.  For this assignment, you’ll be asked to select your own Op-ed, then you’ll write a response to ONE of those selections (your choice). 
Your main goal will be to agree with, or disagree with, or otherwise make an argument about some aspect of your chosen op-ed.  You’ll be expected to use your own experience and observations to support your main assertion. You’ll also be expected to accurately summarize the original writer’s ideas and assertions. AudienceThink of your primary audience for this paper as the writer and the original readers of the Op-ed piece you’re responding to.  Think of your secondary audience as your classmates and your instructor. 
Format and Design12 pt font, double-spaced, Times New Roman.  If you want, you can lay out your paper like the sample Op-eds in the textbook (e.g., single-spaced, Times New Roman font). Or you could use a column style of formatting, like that used in newspapers.Evidence / DocumentationPlease note that the only source to be used for this assignment is the original op-ed to which you’re responding.  You’re not permitted to use other outside source material.  Your evidence should come from your own experiences and observations.To document the original Op-ed, you’ll use a practice known as “simple attribution.”  The first time you mention the author of the Op-ed, you will use his/her first and last name, after that, you will only use the last name. You will be using MLA citation, which means that you must include a name and page number for each attribution. You must include at least 3 direct quotes, with the appropriate attributions.Your attribution might look like this: Friedman writes, “Today, just about everything is becoming a commodity, except imagination, except the ability to spark new ideas,” (328). or this:He writes, “Today, just about everything is becoming a commodity, except imagination, except the ability to spark new ideas,” (Friedman 328). ProcessYou’ll work through the following stages for creating your response: Reading and discussing op-ed pieces from your textbook Completing prewriting and planning activities for your own draft Creating a first draft of your project Getting and giving feedback on drafts Revising your project Deciding on design matters for your project Editing your project for clarity in terms of grammar, mechanics, etc. Reflecting on and assessing your workEvaluationIn evaluating your project, I'll consider the criteria on the ENGL 0190 grading rubric.  I'll be looking especially at how well you: Pose an interesting main idea and support it throughout the paper with specific examples drawn from your own experience Hold your audience's interest and help them gain insights Acknowledge (through simple attribution) the work of the original author to whom you're responding Organize your writing Achieve clarity in conveying your message

***Plagiarism Guidelines***Make sure you are familiar with plagiarism guidelines as outlined in the syllabus—the work needs to be your own. Though you may get help from the writing center or from family or friends, be careful about the line between other people doing your work for you and you taking suggestions from others, but doing the work yourself.


Essay Sample Content Preview:
Your Names
English 1100
‘Mr. Trump Alone Can Order a Nuclear Strike. Congress Can Change That’.
According to the NYT editorial board, Mr. Trump alone has constitutional power to order a nuclear strike. The newspaper’s editorial dated 11th, October, 2017 titled, “Mr. Trump Alone Can Order a Nuclear Strike. Congress Can Change That” has raised critical security issues (NYT 1). The editorial argued that Mr. Trump doesn’t seem to be up to task to be at the helm of the world’s most powerful nation. The editorial’s doubt on Trump’s competency to hold the office of commander in chief does appear to have been largely influenced by The President’s recent careless media remarks, both in mainstream and social media platforms. Indeed, if Mr. Trump’s verbal record is anything to go by, then it would appear that the world should brave for the III world war could he make good his constant threats of attacking North Korea over its continued nuclear tests. In my response to this editorial, I beg to agree with the editorial’s position that indeed the time for Congress to act with speed to tame the president’s sweeping power to declare a nuclear war is now. In a recent Media interview, Mr. Trump underscored the fact that the decision to engage North Korea in a nuclear war wasn’t completely out of reach. Mr Trump’s position on American security has been consistent from the time he declared interest in the presidency. He has consistently declared that nothing would hold him back from declaring nuclear war on any nation that threatens American Security.
The power to declare a nuclear war still remains a presidential prerogative. Based on the doctrine of power sharing enshrined in the US constitution, my opinion is that the power to declare a nuclear war should be shared between the executive, congress and other state departments. As is evident, through Mr. Trump’s reckless statements, there is urgent need for congress to clip presidential powers on declaration of nuclear war. My view is that the president should retain sweeping powers to ‘declare war’, but not ‘nuclear war’. Declaration of nuclear war should require different levels of approval. Although the power to protect the American people vests in the presidency, misuse of this power can expose the American people to an even greater threat. The greatest threat that America faces is not from North Korea’s persistent nuclear tests, nor Iran’s nuclear enrichment program or unidentified terrorist organisations. The greatest security threat to America lies within, not without. An irresponsible president with absolute power to declare nuclear war poses a greater security threat to the American people than North Korea, Iran or terrorist organisations. Trump’s temperament alone clearly reflects a president who could be incapable of managing “……the most destructive nuclear arsenal on earth” (NYT 1).
Mr. Trump’s constant threat to, “totally destroy” North Korea and his recent questioning as to why America should be in possession of n...
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