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Essay Instructions:
I will attach a file that will tell you what to do in this Topic Proposal * This essay is first step for my research paper that have source evaluation, Free write, Annotated bibliography,etc.* the topic i choose is Population Policy(Birth Control) base on the idea from my text book(I will attach file). If you have any question please feel free to contact me back,Thank you. Choosing a Topic You will be choosing your topic from your text. Find a reading selection that intrigues you, and before you even read it, if you want, just try scanning the questions at the end of it. Do you see something here that you would like to explore? If so, read the selection to get a better idea. Some selections are definitely going to work better than others, probably the more modern ones. However, don't rule out the older ones and remember that you can write about an idea you get from the “visual texts” as well. Your topic choice will be an ongoing process as you start researching it. Here are some questions to ask yourself as you consider your topic: 1. Does the question deal with a topic or issue that interests me enough to spark my own thoughts and opinions? 2. Is the question easily and fully researchable? 3. What type of information do I need to answer the research question? E.g., The research question, "What impact has deregulation had on commercial airline safety?," will obviously require certain types of information: o statistics on airline crashes before and after o statistics on other safety problems before and after o information about maintenance practices before and after o information about government safety requirements before and after 4. Is the scope of this information reasonable (e.g., can I really research 30 online writing programs developed over a span of 10 years?) 5. Given the type and scope of the information that I need, is my question too broad, too narrow, or reasonable? 6. What sources will have the type of information that I need to answer the research question (journals, books, Internet resources, government documents, people)? 7. Can I access these sources? Requirements for your topic choice paper: 1. Use MLA headings and headers, and title your document “Topic Choice.” (If you don't know MLA format, see the example paper in Course Information.) 2. In the first paragraph, include the essay title and any of the questions after it that seem useful. 3. In a second paragraph, try a very tentative question that you propose to answer. Your answer, ultimately, will be your thesis, but often the thesis doesn't appear until near the end of the research process. Your research is going to determine this rather than your opinions that don't have substance behind them. (We all start with opinions, but research may alter them.) 4 In a third paragraph, write out your brief answers to the seven questions above. 5. Finally, in a fourth paragraph, propose a tentative research plan. Start with background information you'll need to narrow down your topic. Believe it or not, Wikipedia is often a good place to start. You can't count Wikipedia as a source, but it can help you get a handle on your topic. Then, what kind of information are you going to need? Look at the Pierce College Library site (http://www(dot)pierce(dot)ctc(dot)edu/library/) or around the Web for some ideas. The paper should be about a page long, but if it's longer, that's fine. 10 points Questions taken from http://www(dot)esc(dot)edu/online-writing-center/resources/research/research-paper-steps/developing-questions/worksheet-evaluate-research-question/
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Population increase is a positive phenomenon to the human race because it means more labor, diversity and an assurance of a tomorrow’s generation. However, what would happen in the case of overpopulation? It would lead to scarcity and overexploitation of resources. What would be the effect on the productivity and development? It is, therefore, on this basis that China under the communist government came up with the population control policy. In response to the need for a policy, did the policy achieve its set objective? Did it have any faults while trying to handle this situation that was going out of hand? The response to these questions creates a base for my discussion on the policy below.
Due to the large population in China that rose tremendously in the 1950s and 1960s, the communist government of China initiated measures to control the country’s rate of population growth. This population policy is well known as the birth policy or rather the one child policy. This article looks forward to illustrating the initiatives that were taken to enforce the birth – policy, how effective the policy became as well as the effects that came along with the policy (Veeck et al, 22). It is indicated in the article that the main reason for this policy was to reduce the rate of population growth in order to avoid perverse effects, like political instability, riots, mass starvations, illiteracy and poverty among others. This was in response to the government’s willingness to ensure prosperous, powerful nation and a happy family at the same time. The initiatives begun more intensely in, as the government adopted different measures to enforce the policy. It re...
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