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To Kill a Mockingbird - Chapters 21 - 31

Essay Instructions:
1. Summarize the main messages of the book as you see them, and discuss the message Harper Lee wanted readers to take away from it. Speculate about her motivations for writing this particular book. What in her life experience might have been the catalyst for this story? 2. What is the climax of the story? In the final section of the novel, which you just read, two seemingly separate threads of the plot come back together: the trial of Tom Robinson and the mystery of Boo Radley. How do the final events bring these two stories together and exemplify the title of the book? 3. Make a chart of the characters in the town, List those that represent justice, reason, empathy, tolerance, and good (topped by Atticus Finch), those that represent evil and prejudice (topped by Bob Ewell), and those who fall into the ambiguous category. 4. Discuss the meaning of the title phrase "it's a sin to kill a mockingbird." Who are the mockingbirds in the book? What do you take this to mean for your life? Discuss the symbols and motifs Lee uses as metaphors and powerful images throughout the book. o Hint: Examples would be the mad dog incident, or the items Boo Radley leaves for the children in the tree. 5. Articulate the life lessons that Scout gets through the events in the book. What is the role of her father, Atticus Finch, as the moral center of the book?
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Students Name: Tutors Name: Subject: Due Date: Main Messages in the Book ‘To Kill a Mockingbird’ Several messages come across in the book. However, racial prejudice can be identified as the main theme in the story. This has been revealed in the entirety of the novel: It’s highlighted in the Tom Robinson Trial. The jury which consisted of whites convicts Tom even though his innocence is evident. Even after the abolishment of slavery, the whites could not still accept that equality amongst blacks and whites existed. This restricts Tom –who is black- to clinch victory over a white person – in his case Mayella Ewells- during the trial. Racial prejudice extends to property ownership. Almost all Black community members are laborers. Racial prejudice clouds the minds of many citizens in the town. Atticus, shows his lack of bias towards the black community, however, Stephanie Crawford stoops so low and shows her lack of civility by uttering unfavorable and cheap remarks against him. Moreover, Walter Cunningham attempts to harm Atticus. What is surprising is that, Walter is not better off than the blacks (financially). Other issues that come out clearly in the book include, need for love, concern and morality. Additionally, sympathy for misfits in society is also portrayed. Respect for humanity and generally life is portrayed by the lessons Atticus teaches his children. He asks Jem never to shoot a mockingbird. He considers them harmless; they sing to please others. Atticus himself never carries a gun in a bid to emphasis how much he values human life and dignity. Jem seems to have taken the lessons learnt from his father positively as he never allows Scout to disturb the earthworms he has dug out. Mayella, Boo Radley and Dill are some characters in the book who have been denied love and affection by people who should show them love and affection. In contrast, Jem and Scout have grown up around people who show them love and affection. The result of the comparison is evident in the behavior and out comings in the story. Jem and Scout are able to show love and affection in various ways. For instance, Walter is always invited to Scout’s home; furthermore, Dill is also, sometimes, sheltered in Scout’s home. Moreover, they make several attempts to befriend Boo Radley. The writer also takes the reader through the process of growth and development. The writer is taken through growth from innocence to maturity. The author mixes both themes so as to portray a perfect and a well-tended novel. The writer also tries to show social snobbery that is very common in the society. Mayella Ewell is not allowed by society to befriend anyone and consequently she cannot lead a normal life. Snobbery has created a gap in the society because people from different classes cannot associate freely. Aunt Alexandra is skeptical about Scout befriending Walter Cunningham because of the difference in class. Furthermore, the blacks are denied any financial opportunities and education. In addition they are outlawed from mingling with the whites. Atticus does not support snobbery in the society. He openly favors blacks; in fact he has a black housekeeper (Harper 1960). Additionally he does not scold his children for attending Calpurnia’s church. This has made Atticus be despised and face disapproval from the community. However, this does not shake Atticus’s confidence on his beliefs and does not deter his actions. Harper Lee must have seen the harm that racial prejudice has on the equation of humanity. Naturally, a house cannot support itself without the beams. The same can be said of society. Just like the fingers in a person’s hand, we can never be equal. This, however, does not m...
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