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How Can Online Gamers Balance Their Time Between Video Games and Academics?

Essay Instructions:

Writing Exercise II: Research Proposal Purpose and DescriptionExpert researchers do more than simply collect information and report on it. They identify problems, ask questions, consult databases, study the scholarly conversation, gather and analyze data, and present new findings both to their research communities and to non-expert audiences. They also spend time convincing others that their research is worth undertaking at all. With these foci in mind, your aim in this assignment will be to propose a study that you can continue to develop through the remainder of the semester. What follows are some guidelines for helping you engage with this process.
Part I: Providing ContextCompose 1-2 paragraphs in which you do the following:· Identify and explain the problem or issue that drives your inquiry;· Propose a research question that you can use to focus your study. Specifically, you should begin with an indirect question and refine it as you learn more about the problem you have identified: I am studying ___________________because I want to find out what/why/how ___________________.
Part II: Describing ParticularsCompose 1-2 paragraphs in which you do the following:· Identify and describe the audience for your inquiry (general);· Identify and describe the audience for your inquiry (academic);· Identify and describe the methods you will use to answer your question, including the types of evidence or information/data you may need to collect to add to existing scholarship.
Part III: Explaining SignificanceCompose 1-2 paragraphs in which you do the following:· Explain the potential significance of your inquiry for the audience you have identified. You might ask: When you have answered your question, what will your audience know that it did not know before? How will your research contribute to an existing body of knowledge? What other benefits (e.g., social, educational, economic) might come out of your research?
Specific RequirementsYour proposal should: · Provide a clear foundation for your inquiry;· Be ~2 single spaced pages (1000 words maximum);· Be written in a clear, precise, and active prose style;· Use 12 point Times New Roman or Garamond typeface;· Use a recognizable citation style (e.g., MLA or APA);· Be uploaded to Canvas as a Word document by the deadline (consult your course syllabusand schedule for details).
The overall aim of this assignment is to help you clarify the scope of your inquiry rather than identify a particular argument you want to support. So, try to approach it as an opportunity to pursue a question that is meaningful to you and that you can answer, as fully as possible, by the conclusion of the semester. Please write or stop by my office (or both) if you have questions about this assignment or anything else related to the course. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

How Can Online Gamers Balance Their Time Between Video Games and Academics?
Part I
Online gamers always spend a lot of time playing on the internet and searching for new video games. On the other hand, academics also need a lot of time to be spent in studying. Therefore, those who are addicted to online video games and at the same pursuing academics will need to balance their time as the two require a lot of time to be sacrificed. Therefore, the aim of my project is to study how people balance their time for playing online games and pursuing academics without their performance being affected.
Part II
The General Audience
Several people have at one time in their life played video games including adults. Unluckily, the old age did not play video games when they were young because the games had not been invented when they were growing up (Hamari et al. 172). However, they have experienced the impact of the games on their children’s life since they had the opportunity to watch them grow up playing video games and pursuing their academics. Therefore, my general audience will be families, including parents and their children.
Academic Audience
However, parents are busy in life balancing the time for providing for their families and studying. Hence, those who are still pursuing their education dreams have little time to play video games. Therefore, I will specifically target students as the audience for inquiry on academics since they have a lot of time to spend in playing the games and pursuing their dreams. The focus of inquiry on this group is to identify how they balance their time for paying the games and pursuing their careers.
The Type of Data to be Collected
The research will require quantitative data instead of qualitative data. Qualitative data are descriptive in nature and they are mainly obtained through observation. However, it will be difficult to follow students or families on how they conduct their daily activities which renders qualitative data inappropriate to the research. On the other hand, quantitative data is numerical in nature which renders it preferable to the study (Shawn, Nicholson and Bennett 418). The research will require recording the amount of time that people spend in learning and playing games which must be quantified to record the duration. Numerical data are more objective and more reliable than descriptive data for this study.
However, data can be obtained from various sources, including secondary and primary sources. Primary data refers to information that had never been gathered before. Primary data is preferable for a study that had not been done before and the information cannot be obtained from outside sources. While secondary data comes from other studies that had been done by organizations and institutions. The source of data is preferable for a study that is too large or no data collection has been done on the topic before (Shawn, Nicholson and Bennett 418). However, its validity, reliability, and accuracy rely on the integrity of the institution that obtained the information. Hence, the best sources to obtain the data will be recognized institutions and organizations such as the government database and the famous research bodies database such as the World Bank. My study involves a manageable population and needs first-hand information to support the conclusion. Hence, I will prefer primary data where I will go to the field to collect the data. In addition...
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