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Three Poets. George Gordon Byron. Edgar Allan Poe. William Shakespeare

Essay Instructions:

Three Poets: Edgar Allan Poe(Annabel Lee), George Gordon(She walks in Beauty), William Shakespeare(Dark Lady Sonnet 127)

George Gordon is also called Lord Bryon.

Similar Points: talks about women, poems are dark, and romantic.

Section 1--1 paragraph (Introduction of three poets)

Section 2--3 paragraphs( talks about three poets each by each like backgrounds and achievements)

Section 3--3 paragraphs( talks about three poems each by each) Questions are on the document attached.

Section 4--1 paragraph( Winner Shakespeare! and reasons)

Work cited: MLA

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Three Poets
Literature has for a long time been appreciated by poets who have influenced some people by their work. There are three poems which relate to each other by having many similarities in different contexts. One of the poems includes “she walks in beauty” which was written by George Gordon. It is a short iambic poem which was written in 1813 which was one of the most famous works of Gordon. Another poem is “Annabel Lee” which was composed by an American Author, Edgar Allan Poe.
The poem explores the death of a beautiful woman. It, therefore, relates to Gordon’s poem of “She walks in Beauty” as they all touch in the beauty of women. Allan Poe retains the love of the woman he fell in love with, Annabel Lee. Finally, William Shakespeare’s poem of “Dark Lady Sonnet 127” which was written in 1609 appears to be one of the great poems in history. The poem relates shake spear’s attraction to a woman who is not beautiful in the conventional sense.
George Gordon Byron
Gordon, who lived between 22nd January and 19th April 1824 was an English poet, nobleman, politician, and peer. He is perceived as one of the greatest British poets whose work are widely read and very influential. Byron lived a complicated life full of relationships where he had different lovers one after the other. His life was also full of passion and love for his loved ones, but at some point parted away with them. He also had three children, namely Ada Lovelace, Clara Byron and Elizabeth Medora.
He got famous during his life because of his political ambitions and even his works which are still read up to now make him famous among readers who are greatly influenced by his poems. Some of his famous works included hours of idleness, the bride of Abydos, Darkness, The dream, Maid of Athens, She walks in beauty, my soul is dark and the destruction of Sennacherib among others. He generally did a lot of poetry in his lifetime, which included romantic and political poems (Byron &Scott). His fame was because of his works which he produced and published in his lifetime.
Edgar Allan Poe
Edgar Poe who was born in 1809 and died in 1849 was an American writer, literary critic, and editor. Poe had a simple life and spent much of it working for literary journals and periodicals. Poe was best known for his poetry and short stories which influenced literature in America and other parts of the world. Some of his famous works included Annabel Lee, A dream within a Dream, The Haunted Palace, The City in the Sea, to even among other poems.
He also did a lot of poems and tales which were influential in America. Some of his publications included the Philadelphia publications. He also received awards for his works, including the Baltimore Saturday Visitor awards, the Edgar award among others. Poe got famous in his life and after his life through his tales and poems which were appreciated by many readers.
William Shakespeare
Shakespeare was an English poet, actor and a playwright who lived between 1564 and 1616. Shakespeare lived a family life with his wife Anne and three children. He got famous from his w...
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