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Thoughts On Reading To Kill A Mockingbird By Harper Lee

Essay Instructions:

Clearly describe your thoughts, it is better that is about the existing social problem. Gives example, place yourself as if you are in the position.  

Essay Sample Content Preview:
To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Having won the Pulitzer Prize in the year 1961, this is one of the books that is top rated. It has been used in the middle class for the longest time, especially in the English classes. It is quite interesting to note that the story told in the book is also closely related to that of the author. More importantly, there are quite a number of parallels that can be drawn from the story and specifically to the author, Harper Lee, to what is happening in the society at the moment. While the book way written and published during the Jim Crow era, this is a story that some very subtle resemblance to the practices and experiences that most of the people can attest to having gone through or at least seen or heard about someone else experience it(Lee, Harper).
While it is true that life is not fair, there are some elements that the society can control and they are crucial to the prosperity of peace and harmony. The element of discrimination is one that is highly emphasized in the book and one that carries significant weight on the society even today (Grinberg, Emanuella). African Americans and other minority races have for quite some time been victims of discrimination. This is an issue that draws quite some heated debates with factions on either side. Some feel that the civil rights movement has been quite enough and they have achieved very incredible results on the front of equality(American Psychological Association). Others feel that, there are gaps in the civil rights movement, especially with reference to deep seated discrimination that have become systemized but in a rather conspicuous manner that, for most of the people it may not seem obvious(Lee, Harper).
The correction facilities for quite some time have been under quite some scrutiny, especially from the minority races. This is relative to the fact that, a good majority that are in the correctional facilities are largely African Americans or Hispanics. Ironically, these are minority races. If the issue of equality was to be applied, it would seem obvious that the whites should be the majority of the correctional facilities. However, this is not the case and the majority of the people that are in jail are either Africa...
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