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"Thirty Year War" link to the current war between Israel and Palestine

Essay Instructions:


1. Choose an event from any of those presented in the assigned readings or lectures to date. (Now, the event I have chosen is the "THIRTY YEAR WAR"). 

Thirty Year War description:

•The Thirty Years War

•A Result of political and religious tensions between Lutherans, Calvinists, and Catholics in what is now Germany

•Also a result of political tensions arising from the interest of Denmark, France, Spain and Sweden in German lands.

•War fought on German lands resulting in the deaths of one third of the German population.

•Destruction of the war outstripped only by the First and Second World Wars.

•Consequences of the war (after the Peace of Westphalia 1648)

–Spain’s power declined militarily and politically.

Portugal declared its independence in 1640.

France acquired the rights to Alsace and grew in power as German lands were broken up.

Holy Roman Empire’s influence declined, becoming fragmented into more than three hundred sovereign states.

Switzerland and the Dutch Netherlands become independent states.

Protestant Northern Netherlands (rebelling .against Philip the Ii of Spain) split from Catholic Southern Flanders, becoming Holland.

2. Find a current article anything in the 20 or 21st century (I WILL ATTACH THE ARTICLE) describing an event that you feel has some strong parallels to the event you chose at the beginning (THIRTY YEAR WAR) and then LINK these events together. 

3. Write a essay that answers the following questions (in any order). Feel free, if you like, to use the 1st person. 


1. What is your topic (historical artifact or action) and its cultural context (summarize information presented in book or lecture)? What details about it stand out to you from among the many events, ideas and artifacts presented in the book or lecture? What current day artifact or event are you comparing it to, and what are the parallels between the two that drew your attention (quote from article if you wish)? Are these parallels likely to be the result of historical influence or inheritance? Or are they because of some other reason and if so, what? What are the important differences and what are the possible reasons for those differences? How do you feel about each of these artifacts or events? In your opinion do they represent positive or negative moments in cultural history? Does looking at them together suggest any insights about human nature, culture, politics, religion, art, etc.? 

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"Thirty Year War" link to the current war between Israel and Palestine
Course title:
"Thirty Year War" link to the current war between Israel and Palestine
Chosen topic: My topic is the Thirty Year War event. The details about the Thirty Year War that stand out to me from among the many events, ideas, and artifacts in the book/lecture are that this event resulted from religious and political tensions that occurred between the Catholics, Calvinists, and Lutherans in what is presently known as Germany. This event also resulted from political tensions that arose from the interest of Sweden, Spain, France, and Denmark in German lands. The Thirty Year War was battled on German lands and led to the deaths of â…“ of the German population. The war was so devastating and its destruction is only outstripped by the First and the Second World Wars. The consequences of the Thirty Year War included the following: (i) the power of Spain declined both politically and militarily; (ii) Netherlands and Switzerland became independent countries; (iii) France acquired the rights to Alsace and grew in power as the German lands were broken up. (iv) Portugal declared its independence in the year 1640; and (v) the influence of the Holy Roman Empire declined, becoming fragmented into over 300 sovereign states.
Comparison to a current day event: the current day event being compared to the Thirty Year War is the ongoing war between Israel and Palestine. The parallels between the two events that drew my attention are that both wars have lasted for several decades. While the Thirty Year War lasted for 3 decades from the year 1918 until 1948, the Israel-Palestine began roughly around the year 1948 when the state of Israel was formed and is still on-going up to now albeit intermittently. Askari (1) pointed out that the Palestine people, who dwelled in the British-mandated Palestine from 1920 until 1947 prior to the formation of the Israeli state in the year 1948 along with their descendants are fighting bitterly for liberation and freedom from Israeli occupation. Conversely, the Israelis are unrelenting on battling the Palestinians in order to reinstate what they call Old Testament Kingdom to its rightful owner (Askari 1). Moreover, both wars ...
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