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The Theme Of Superman And Me (Sherman Alexie)

Essay Instructions:


So far this semester, you’ve worked on multiple ways to analyze an argument: how to examine it closely, identify and describe its constituent parts, and describe how it works. You will combine those skills when composing your first major essay. This project asks you to make an argument about another author’s argument. You are analyzing and interpreting, so your argument will be descriptive rather than critical; that is, you will state what the argument says and how it makes its claims rather than how good or effective it is. Nevertheless, you are still making an argument. You will justify the claims you make about the author’s major conclusion and how s/he tries to make that argument persuasive.

Task Overview

First, choose one (1) essay from our reading list that you'd like to write about (Murray, Fadiman, Alexie, Steinem, or Ross). Then, apply our class heuristics for reading argument. What is the major conclusion? How does the author support that conclusion? Remember that assumptions and implicit connections can be as analytically important as explicit statements.

Next, draft your argument where you name the author’s major conclusion and offer evidence as to why your interpretation of the major conclusion is correct. In writing your own argument you will likely need to “creatively destroy” the author’s argument. It is acceptable and even likely you will need to create a completely different order to your essay than the author used in his/hers.

Once drafted, as a class we will use small group peer review and whole class writing workshops to test your interpretation’s persuasiveness, clarity, and thoroughness.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name
Professor Name
Argument Analysis
The theme of Superman and Me (Sherman Alexie) was quite appealing to me at first, but when I read the entire story, I got to observe a few negative aspects and had liked to share them here. It is basically the story of a poor Indian boy who decides to follow the footsteps of his dad in developing an interest in novels and books. As he grows up, he starts reading books on every subject, and all materials that contain words, as well as the ones his dad owns or brings home for him. For several years, this boy continues reading books and novels on a regular basis. Finally, he realizes that his love for books is the only way for him to survive for long and know the reality and truths of life. For instance, he reads books on Superman and then starts considering himself as powerful as that character (2013).
Is he a bookworm? Is Superman the only character this boy likes? After reading the story, I got to know that he has become a bookworm and find his survival impossible without those novels and stories he uses to read on a daily basis. He continues reading for the job and is always desperate to know his personality traits and characteristics through those books. We don’t believe if some books or novels can be so impressive and engaging that they will make us forget the world. To an extent, this boy’s reading and writing capabilities must have improved. Plus, he must have learned new things from the imaginary characters of the Superman comics; but what about his real life? What about his friends and family who could teach him a lot more? Getting too much involved in books and forgetting the rest of the world makes no sense to me. This story primarily focuses on a boy and his father’s urge to read lots of books and stories every day. Since his father has devoted his life to reading books, the boy decides to read them as well. It can be assumed that “Superman and Me” is entirely a personal essay as the author writes nothing but his life’s experience of how he developed an interest in books and novels (2013).
Another way Sherman Alexie develops his own arguments by explaining how words changed his life and why he was so curious to ...
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