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Comparing and Contrasting 'The Story of an Hour' and 'Roman Fever'

Essay Instructions:

compare and contrast essay using "the story of an hour" by kate chopin and "roman fever" by edith wharton. below are the instructions my teacher gave me. assignment is not to hard i would do it myself but i am on vacation and i would rather enjoy it than do homework. For this assignment, you are expected to write an essay of compare/contrast. You will use the two short stories we have been working on: “The Story of an Hour” and “Roman Fever.” One of the common college writing tasks is to perform such comparisons; in political science, history, sociology, etc. students are often called upon to write about how so and so are alike and/or different. Hence, one of the main points of this assignment is to provide you an opportunity to demonstrate your ability to communicate effectively in this rhetorical mode (i.e. compare/contrast). Use the information you have learned from the discussions on the short stories to help you focus your paper. For example, you could compare: * Elements of the main characters’ personalities * The authors’ use of settings to show the main point in the stories * The use of imagery, or figures of speech * The authors’ views of marriage, or other aspect that the stories have in common. Be sure to narrow your topic so that you can write thoroughly on one aspect of both stories. Use lots of quotes from the stories and insert correct source notes. Use the point-by-point method of compare/contrast. MAKE SURE YOUR THESIS STATEMENT IS IN ALL CAPS. Include a Works Cited page with entries for both stories and any other sources you use. Body paragraphs: First point: differences similarities Second point: differences similarities Third point: differences similarities Concluding paragraph: summary of your main points What are the similarities/differences between the two main characters in each of the short stories? * What are the similarities/differences between the views of marriage of the authors? * What are the similarities/differences in the settings of each of the stories? * What are the similarities/differences in the writing styles of each of the authors? * What do you think are the similarities/differences in the ideas of marriage in the eras in which the authors lived compared to ours?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Comparing and Contrasting "The Story of an Hour" and "Roman Fever"
Kate Chopin was an American novelist born in 1850 and who is considered as one of the greatest feminist authors of the 20th Century even though ideas of feminism were not so common during her time. Edith Wharton on the other hand is yet another great American author born in 182 in New York City. This paper analyses two great stories by the two authors, namely "The Story of an Hour" and "Roman Fever". The later title refers to malarial fever that existed in Rome during the 19th Century and was much feared by Americans and other visiting tourists. BOTH STORIES REFER TO THE ISSUE OF FEMINISM IN A MODERN SOCIETY WHEREBY WOMEN DISPLAY DEMANDING ACTIVITY IN THE QUEST OF ATTAINING HAPPINESS AND FULFILLMENT.
In the "Story of an Hour", Chopin outlines her views of marriage as an oppressing association that places women on the receiving end. She goes ahead to depict an unusual idea that married women get to enjoy the free world and experience happiness with the passing on of their husbands. One cannot decline to note that Chopin is far from excited with the idea of women having to submit to their husbands. Wharton on the other hand demonstrates a unique form of social insight in "Roman Fever". Like Chopin, she calls attention to hidden and distorted passions and secrets held by women in the modern day society. Using the protagonists Ansley and Slade, Wharton’s choice of setting involves exoteric surroundings of a well-off urban environment. Chopin, on the other hand employs a unique form of setting by telling the story that takes place in Mallard and Brently’s house, and for one hour only. She goes ahead to employ a theme touching on nature as Mallard gazes outside the window and, smells the imminent coming of rain as "countless sparrows were twittering" (Lauter, et al. 647), an indication of new found freedom.
The two main characters in "The Story of an Hour", Mallard and her husband Brently bear little similarity. Mallard is unquestionably cold and detached even though her husband is a loving and caring man. The author states "she had loved him- sometimes. Often she had not". In "Roman fever", the two main characters have several similarities in that they both keep secrets. All the same, Mrs. Ansley is more of a pretender and a liar. She convinces Mrs. Slade that the ‘Roman Fever’ is but a mere reminiscence of her past when it is clearly not.
Additionally, Chopin’s choice of character ...
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