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The Negative Effect in Human beings in the World

Essay Instructions:

Summary/Response from article as attached

A summary/response essay demonstrates that you have engaged with a text, understand its main message, and have something to say as a result.

Your summary/response should cover the following ground:

• A fair, accurate, and concise summary.

Introduce the article and author by name.

Include the main claims and primary supporting points of the text and exclude examples or supporting ideas that aren’t essential to the text’s main message.

Use an objective tone.

Be concise. Most summaries are 200-250 words, giving readers enough information to understand what you are responding to without unnecessary details.

• A clear response, supported by evidence

Your response is the meat of the summary/response essay.

If you are responding to what the text says, take a position-agreeing, disagreeing, or both. State your position explicitly in a Thesis Statement.

Support your position with evidence from the text and outside sources. Facts, statistics, anecdotal evidence, and textual evidence can serve as support.

If you are reflecting on the text’s ideas, you’ll likely explain some way that the text impacted you personally or evoked a particular emotion.

Passages from the text that prompted your response should be cited as evidence. Your own beliefs, experiences, or emotions might serve to support and explain your personal response.

• A logical organization

Summarize first and then respond. Introduce the text and author, then state your thesis. Then respond to the text, providing supporting points for your thesis. End by summing up your response and its implications.

• MLA Format with a Works Cited Page

• 2-3 Pages

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student Name Professor Name Course Date Social Media Introduction Jarion Lanier wrote the article ‘Delete your Social Media Accounts Right Now’ to highlight social media's growing influence on human beings. In his analysis, he uses an analogy of cats and dogs with regard to their behavior to compare with human beings (Lanier). Therefore, social media is perceived to be turning more people into dogs by using their susceptibility to follow trends online, thus changing their behavior. The internet has a significant role in negatively affecting the perceptions and behavior of human beings through its interceptive nature of data collection. Summary Lanier asserts that cats have more power despite their difficulty in following training and instructions. This means that they are difficult to control but have quickly taken over the internet due to their carefree attitude towards everything. Consequently, remaining autonomous in the online world today becomes complex, especially with the high number of investments in algorithms by social media companies to gauge behavior (Lanier). The tracking capabilities of internet companies have evolved with each stroke of the keyboard followed better to understand an individual's preferences to better tailor advertisements. This continued collection of information through smart devices means that people are continually controlled by unknown parties to act in a specific way. The growth of social media in the world, coupled with the increased penetration of smartphones, has led to an increasing rate of surveillance. Human beings tend to follow trends hence the internet has made it possible for companies to utilize this flaw (Akram and Kumar). Furthermore, thus use of large numbers to represent statistical information has likely made it easier to generalize characteristic traits that would work for large populations. Ultimately, the ability to train people using behaviorist techniques without their knowledge is dangerous since such companies hold son much power. The continued use of these technologies poses a risk to users of the internet due to unwarranted surveillance, manipulation, and lack of consent. Response Mass surveillance by social media companies has long raised debates on the legality of such conduct. By using these sites, end users give out their information unknowingly for sale to third parties, mainly for advertising purposes. Ultimately, people become the products since they use...
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