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The Matrix: Reviews and Synthesis

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The Matrix: Reviews and Synthesis
Review 1: Revisiting The Matrix
In this review, David Denby posits that The Matrix was a great film and one that completely transformed its entire genre. Similarly, the review further acknowledges the aura of mystery generated throughout the film, which adds to the intrigue of the film (Denby). However, these positive traits are basically as far as Denby is willing to go with regards to praising the film. On the other hand, the review critically examines the core plot of the film and the author again finds it wanting in terms of observing film-making rules as well as in the screenplay (Denby). The author posits that he was significantly annoyed when he re-watched the film more recently, having already dismissed it in a review after watching it for the first time in 1999.
Not only does the author object to most the trajectory taken by the film in terms of storytelling, but he also opposes the philosophical stances taken by the film as well as the directors’ obsession with penetration. In every sense possible, the author makes it clear that The Matrix, though thrilling, has little to offer and has only been a negative influence on the way in which films are made.
Review 2: What is The Matrix?
In this review, The Guardian takes on a breakdown approach insofar as reviewing The Matrix is concerned. The review is broken down into segments beginning with a brief presentation of the plot. Thereafter, the core players in the film are briefly presented before reviews from multiple sources and interviews with key players in the film are presented. In this sense, the review takes on a completely different format (The Guardian). Rather than have the author present their unabashed views on the film and criticize it for its flaws and praise it for its strengths, The Guardian takes on a different approach. The review breaks down the film and explores it in a way that allows readers to make up their own minds about the film based on the information they are presented with about it (The Guardian).
This makes for an interesting review that is a collection of opinions rather than the opinion of a single individual. At the same time, it allows readers to read interviews from key players, read reviews by other individuals, and understand what the film is all about. This makes the review more focused on passing information as opposed to critiquing the film (The Guardian). Nonetheless, most of the information presented in this review demonstrates a great appreciation for the film and its influence on later film-making processes. In essence, this review provides an opportunity for readers to make up their own mind about the film based ...
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