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The Last Dive Mishap

Essay Instructions:


The assignment is basically strength the fiction. I want add more plot and scenario on this fiction. (source) Add two page and make it four page work. (Keep the format on)

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The Last Dive Mishap
I had been waiting for this day for weeks. It was the end of summer, and I was finally going to fulfill my dream of diving into the deep blue sea. I had everything planned perfectly – my scuba gear was ready, my friends were coming along, and we had booked the perfect spot to dive in. I even did a little homework to understand what it is like. I never knew what SCUBA stood for until I googled it. Turns out it stands for Self-contained underwater breathing apparatus. Or the fact that the earth is 71% water, and 85% of this water is yet to be explored. Can you imagine? We are venturing into space when we don't know what is around and beneath us! Maybe it is easier to explore space. But the most interesting of them all was that the deepest dive is 332.35 meters by an Egyptian called Ahmed Gabra. It took him twelve minutes to reach this depth. Aside from the local swimming pool, the deepest I had been in the water was in a local river; knee-high depth. But that is not the catch. The catch is, it took Gabra fifteen hours to return to the surface. There is some science about that but I stopped browsing because fun facts were now turning scary.[Bloem, Andrew. (2021) Fun facts about scuba diving.]
Of course, I didn’t want to be like Gabra. All I anticipated was fun because this was something entirely new to me; way out of my comfort zone. But as the day approached, I couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. It was early in the morning when we set out for the dive. The sea was calm, and the sky was clear. “A perfect day for a dive!” One of my friends, the experienced one, said excitedly. We reached the spot and started gearing up. All the time, I could not help but think about Gabra. He is the only human who had come close to being Aquaman if you think about it. I wondered if he would have found Poseidonis if he’d gone a little deeper. As I put on my scuba gear, my heart started racing. I had never been this close to the open sea before, to such a colossus and intimidating amount of water. If felt like a living force breathing back at us with its waves. I looked at my friends looking for some form reassurance and it was there; written in their beaming smiles. We descended into the water and started swimming.
As we approached the reef, I was awestruck by the beauty of it. The colors were so vibrant, and the marine life was so diverse. I couldn't believe that I was witnessing all of this with my own eyes. If felt like a whole new world; a world in which only 15% is known to human. We swam around for a while, admiring the beauty of the sea. We saw schools of fish swimming by, and I even saw a sea turtle swimming gracefully in the distance. After a while, we decided to venture a little deeper. As we swam deeper, the water got darker, and the pressure started to build. It was a little unnerving, but I pushed myself to keep going because I felt safe around my friends. We finally reached the bottom and I saw something that took my breath away. It was not a sunken city of course. But it was a shipwr...
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