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The Hobbit

Essay Instructions:
How would the portryal of virtue or heroism(or a particular aspect thereof) in The Hobbit have to chance for an American film audience of 2012, and why? I have a whole page of instructions that I would like message to the writer.........
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The Hobbit
The society has a way of recognizing heroes and individuals who perform exceptionally well; they are praised for their deeds and remain icons for their outstanding deeds. The individuals are driven to heroism or praise by their personality traits. The Hobbit is classified as an epic narrative. Some of important features that constitute a hero of an epic narrative include: bravery, strength, clarity of speech etc. The epic nature of the narrative produces a hero who has extraordinary characteristics beyond that of an ordinary man, who is respectable by all people and can be the one to lead them (Rateliff, 49). This paper highlights the aspect of virtue or heroism that Tolkien represents through a specific character i.e. Bilbo Baggins. The positive trait described in this paper is selflessness seen in Bilbo as he helps the twelve dwarfs and other characters with their mission.
Bilbo Baggins is therefore regarded as an anti-hero and there exist a big distinction between his natural character and the classic hero`s. Throughout the narrative, Bilbo undergoes a series of changes, closer to being an epic hero the end than he was at the beginning of the story. Through this way a clear distinction can be drawn between Bilbo and other characters like Achilles at the beginning of the narrative (Matthews, 57). At the beginning of the story, the Hobbit apparently is not like an epic narrative. This is because the Bilbo Baggins is not willing to involve in some dangerous adventure; however he selflessly dedicates himself to go and reclaim the mountains with other characters. While Bilbo`s decides to return home when in danger, the same is also reflected even when he is not in danger; this is also depicted when he seeks for salvation for other group members. Though Bilbo`s seems not to possess other great qualities does not qualify for a leadership position he has selflessness which enables him to work together with the group for a common purpose.
Through selflessness, Bilbo is seen to reflect a modern way of living, for instance living in their own comfort zones, if not to the extent of the hobbits. He is able to sacrifice all these luxurious living and though resentful at first he participates in the given mission to the end. Sometimes people may dream of adventure, need to take risks and all those exploration things and most of them are not applicable in our daily lives. According to Bilbo`s he makes superb decisions that most people would love to make. Usually a typical hero must possess male strength, achieve success in battle and also he must be materially successful. As it is depicted by George Clark, a traditional beginning of a heroic narrative has vowed to take revenge, gain wealth and become famous. On the other hand, Bolbo`s selfless dedication and determination makes him an outstanding character among the rest. This is how Bilbo acts in the Hobbit and by having the above qualities make him a hero. During Bilbo`s adventure to go and massacre the dragon in order to reclaim the treasure, he does so with a lot of motives for his heroic action (Rateliff, 63). Firstly, Bilbo revenges in order to kill the dragon for the dwarves` ancestors. Secondly, Bilbo only accepts a small possession of the treasure would make him wealthy; this selfless nature make Bilbo go for through a heroic venture of wealth and fame.
Initially, Bilbo`s enters into a contract to go and kill the dragon and is typically a heroic opening. By the fact that, Bilbo is not regarded as a stereotypical hero, the heroic start of the narrative prepares the reader to understand the heroic actions, for instance, of killing the dragon, fighting in the war and repossessing the treasure. Even though the path that he takes puts him into uncertain places, the heroism of Bilbo`s is seen as much obvious, but the actions that he takes are rather significant and full of selflessness. In the story Clark claims that a traditional hero may kill the dragon for the revenge of the ancestors in order for himself to be famous but Bilbo divides the share of the treasure amongst the people. This however makes him a hero. In fact, Bilbo`s heroism is based on the kind and generous act, which is characterized by doing the right things other than fame and wealth (Matthews, 82).
Despite the fact that he did not have the crucial feature that makes a hero, he selflessly dedicated himself towards a worthy course. Usually a traditional hero is attached to have male qualities. This is because males are regarded to have masculine bodies which are essential in overcoming enemies. However in the Hobbit, heroic characters are also presented to have female qualities. Basically a heroic character is thought to be a masculine male who is mighty enough to kill the evil. Men such as King Arthur are regarded as heroes because they are strong men who are honored for their achievements to win the battle. For instance, Beorn as regarded as "huge man with a thick black beard and hair, and great bare arms and legs with knotted muscles" (Tolkien, p.108). In the battle with the Five Armies Beorn fights the globlin leader and kills him. This is how a hero is regarded as a mighty warrior. Despite the fact Boern is termed as a mighty warrior with high tempers, masculine and strong, he is however in p...
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