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The Dorrance Square Historic District Development

Essay Instructions:

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I updated the file named route, which is the required route.The video was shot along this route which are named from 1-6. If you think the video is not clear enough, you can Google New York to find the place to see surround.

Reading cited requirements, I already wrote in the introduction.

And also, it is not need introduction and conclusion. All words only focus answer the two question: (need to answer all question, not to choose )

Do you feel the creation of the new Dorrance Square Historic District, and its impact on development, was a good thing? how do you feel it compares to the value of the Strivers Row historic district, established in 1967?

Should a city be concerned about preserving churches and the cultural life of the city, or just the physical structures that represent them?

you are going to undertake a small walking tour in two historic neighborhoods of Harlem – Hamilton Heights and Strivers Row. ( I post the video to show the look like, you alway can research in google map to see look like )

In addition, you are going to read the following article – which outlines the tension between preservation of historic properties (including churches) and development. The church at the center of the debate in the article is on your walking tour.

Link: https://www(dot)nytimes(dot)com/2021/10/22/nyregion/grace-congregational-church-harlem.html (Links to an external site.) (need to cited)

Reading: (read all reading and cited at least 4out of 6)

1.Murtagh, William, The History and Theory of Preservation in America, “The Language of Preservation”, Chapter 1, pp 15-22. (Files --> Readings --> Week 5)

2.Real Estate Board of New York. Link: https://www(dot)rebny(dot)com/content/dam/rebny/Documents/PDF/News/Research/Policy%20Reports/REBNY_SAH_Paper.pdf (Links to an external site.)


https://hdc(dot)org/research/setting-record-straight-preservation-2/ (Links to an external site.)

4.HOW CAN HISTORIC PRESERVATION BE MORE INCLUSIVE? LEARNING FROM NEW YORK CITY’S HISTORIC DISTRICTS Link: https://www(dot)arch(dot)columbia(dot)edu/books/reader/503-preservation-and-social-inclusion#reader-anchor-3Links to an external site.

5.WHEN HISTORIC PRESERVATION CLASHES WITH HOUSING AFFORDABILITY. And what Seattle can do to better balance the two and create more homes for everyone. Link:

https://www(dot)sightline(dot)org/2017/12/19/when-historic-preservation-clashes-with-housing-affordability/ (Links to an external site.)

6. Modernizing China Seeks Historic Preservation Model. Link:

https://nextcity(dot)org/urbanist-news/china-historic-preservation-culture-urbanization (Links to an external site.)

Finally, following your walking tour, you are going to address one or both of the following prompts in a short, written submission based on your visit and any other research you choose to do: (need yo include below two question answer)

Do you feel the creation of the new Dorrance Square Historic District, and its impact on development, was a good thing? How do you feel it compares to the value of the Strivers Row historic district, established in 1967?

Should a city be concerned about preserving churches and the cultural life of the city, or just the physical structures that represent them?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Dorrance Square Historic District Development
Question 1:
The Dorrance Square Historic District development was good as it allowed for the appreciation of the African American contribution to New York City and led to urban regeneration and development regardless of the affected historical buildings. On June 15, 2021, the Dorrance Brooks Square was approved by the New York City Landmarks Preservation Commission, making it the first-string development to have an African American heritage and name (The New York times). The development covers two streets; West 136th and West 140th streets of Frederick Douglass (The New York times). The historic district serves as a reminiscence of the area’s history, addressing the African American community’s contribution to New York City and the United States of America.
The district is upgraded but similar to the Striver’s Row historic district on Wets 138th and West 139th. The Real Estate Board Of New York notes that both have historical significance and represent a time in history dedicated to urban renewal and regeneration. They are both row developments with brownstone emphasis. However, while Striver’s row was approved and developed in 1967, the Dorrance Square Historic District was approved in 2021. Both neighborhoods have an upper-middle-class tone attracting a higher cost of living.
Similarly, the houses are back-to-back with cul-de-sacs and alleys between them. Striver’s row is mainly associated with African American leaders of the time, who could afford the houses in 1919 (Murtagh 23). On the contrary, Dorrance square presents a more modern architecture and strives for higher economic status but with similar underpinnings.
Question 2:
It is essential to preserve historical monuments, including churches. They bare a history of an area, the community's struggles, and the neighborhood's development stages. Grace's church versus Dorrance square is an interesting case. Avrami notes that they both have similar goals of black culture and history preservation (Avrami). However, Dorrance square has a higher agenda which is urban renewal and regeneration, which increases the residents' quality of life (Murtagh 11). Financing drives needs and the protection of development costs, research, documentation, assignments, understanding, and building recoveries. Comprehensive safeguarding expects preservationists to use money (Matuszak). According to the Historic Districts Council, they are creating overview procedures that make engineering an optional or even tertiary thought, when proper, would work with the recognizable proof of unde...
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