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The Autobiographical Essay

Essay Instructions:

Describe an event or an individual and the significance of that event or individual. The assignment is designed to help you understand audience analysis and develop strategies in reporting to specific audiences. Such strategies are effective in technical writing.

To understand the context of this essay, you can watch the short video below.

YouTube Video: https://youtu(dot)be/QCiQ25pAqUg

In this essay, you will want to follow the conventions you have followed in previous academic writing. You will have an introductory paragraph with a thesis statement. You will have body paragraphs that support the thesis statement. You will include a concluding paragraph as well.

Some possible topics on the essay include the following:

• A situation you encountered at work or in your community that involved a failure;

• A situation you encountered at work or in your community that involved an important victory;

• A person (a supervisor or co-worker) who has contributed to your growth as a professional;

• A person or event that represented a negative example of professionalism;

• Your first day or week on a particular job and what you learned from that first day or week; or

• A situation in which you had to make an ethical choice at work or in your community.

Strategies to Consider for this Assignment: 

-If you read the following article by Mark Gellis in our eReserves section of the class, you will have a good understanding of how to approach this assignment. The article is “Autobiographical Writing in the Technical Writing Course.”

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Course Title:
An autobiographical Essay on my First Day in Kindergarten
Living in the rural areas and surrounded by many people in the rural areas, my early childhood life was good, exciting, and full of energy as all I did during the day was to sleep, eat and play. I would ask myself who would actually be a great influence in my life since my growing up led to creation of distance from my parents with a thought their occupations being life threatening. My father and mother would meet after dinner to talk about their daily experiences as a policeman and a nurse respectively. Listening to such stories only gave me thoughts of disturbing and unforgettable trauma and painful thoughts on life experiences that I would say have shaped me in some way into who I am today. However, among many experiences in my childhood, there is one which still remains vivid in my mind which is my first day in school. This paper focuses on my childhood and different experiences that I went though during my first day in school.
It was until I turned 5 that my parents’ expectations of enrolling me in a pre-kindergarten school became a reality. With an expectation of a more happy and interesting life in school, I could hardly wait for that day to be enrolled in school and engage in more interesting kids' activities making more and more friends since I loved having huge circles of friends. I was not sure about how I felt on that same day, I had mixed feelings. I was happy and thought joining school would be one of the best times I would ever have but at the same time one of the worst times. Living in the rural areas I can say to made my command of the English poor and therefore contrary to my expectation on the first day in school no one discriminated me judging from my language command. Upon entering the classroom, accompanied by my mother and the class teacher, I became frightened and scared as the feeling of having everything new around me was all over me and I was kind of comforted by my mother’s presence. Little did I know that my mother was not part of the enrollment, after I was settled my mother whispered into my ears and told me “I will be back” and left me in a room full of strangers and the teacher whom I knew on the first day. As soon as she left, I busted into tears trying to find a way to run outside and leave with her running as a fast as I could. My class teacher was standing right in front of me and she wou...
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