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Textual Analysis: The Border Patrol State

Essay Instructions:

This is about analyzing using the P"I"E format.

here is a direction of the essay.

Essay 2: Textual Analysis Essay

The textual analysis essay invites you to analyze and formally argue for your 

interpretation of one of the readings covered in unit 2 (Silko, Anzaldua, or Eisele). If 

you have a burning desire to analyze a text from unit 1, you should propose that to 

me in an email. At the most basic level of this essay, you’ll want to tell the reader 

what the text means to you and how you came to this understanding, based on an 

analysis of various elements in the text. First, you should determine the main 

message (your interpretation) of the text; then, tear it apart by identifying the 

writing strategies and rhetorical devices the author uses to convey meaning.

As your essay will necessarily be concerned with how the text affects the reader, 

you’ll need to venture an educated guess as to who the audience is. Then, make notes 

on significant techniques and features of the text followed by thoughts on how these 

features operate. The following is a list of “strategies,” “techniques” and “features” 

you might consider. Keep in mind that this is not a complete list. For a more complete 

list, see pp. 124-125 in “A Student’s Guide…”

-Description (setting and characters)

-Atmosphere and tone

-Use of examples

-Use of quotation (of self and others)

-Diction (word choice)

-Appeals to emotion, reason, credibility

-Stories (personal and reported)

You will definitely need a strong thesis statement in the introduction and a claim in 

each body paragraph, one that examines and analyzes a particular element of the 

text. For an example, take a look at the following claim, in which Yeats supports the 

main point his poem, and the strategy he uses to do so:

Through a representation of a painting, Yeats tells his readers in 

the starkest possible terms why he can no longer function as a 

romantic poet of pleasant images.

The first part of the claim, “Through a representation of a painting,” announces the 

writing strategy that Yeats employs to suggest the meaning of the text, that he 

“...can no longer function as a romantic poet of pleasant images.” The rest of this 

paragraph would then examine lines in the poem in which Yeats responds to the 

painting and would analyze how those lines work, offering quotes, paraphrases, and 

summary as evidence in the process. Your essay should be brimming with evidence, 

with at least two examples per paragraph.

You will find the P.I.E. (point, illustration, explanation) method of argumentation 

useful in structuring your body paragraphs. The P.I.E. method, as we have discussed in 

class, includes a strong topic sentence (“P") followed by at least one or two illustrations (“I”) followed by an explanation (“E”) of how the illustrations prove the 

point. The following is an example of a P.I.E. paragraph using the Yeats example 

above. You will note that the P.I.E. formula does not necessarily mean one sentence 

per element; in the example below, for instance, the “E”is two sentences long. 

Point: Through a representation of a painting, Yeats tells his 

readers in the starkest possible terms why he can no longer function 

as a romantic poet of pleasant images.

Illustration: In contrast to the painting, in lines 12-15, Yeats paints 

a picture of an unrelenting spirit, a muse, who is the polar 

opposite of the gentle, teaching centaur in the original painting.

Explanation: Yeats sets the expectation that the poem will be about a 

gentle, teaching centaur, but shocks the reader when the “teacher” of 

the poem turns out to be a harsh, unforgiving master. This disconnect 

between the poem and the painting emphasizes Yeats’ point that he 

is determined to tell the reader that he won’t and can’t be the romantic 

poet who obediently portrays a beautiful painting with a beautiful 


Please also include an introduction that briefly summarizes the text and makes a 

cogent thesis statement. For help on writing your introduction, see pp. 50-51 in the 

“A Student’s Guide.” Finally, write an effective conclusion; for help on conclusions, 

see p. 63 in same text. 

here is an example of a pie paragraph

This paragraph follows a P.I.E.E. format. 

Anzaldua’s extreme tone in “The Homeland…” is important to her essay, because it 

corresponds with the extreme suffering of those whose homeland is Aztlan (Point). In 

one instance, she writes, “The gringo, locked into the fiction of white superiority, 

seized complete political power, stripping Indians and Mexicans of their land while 

their feet were still rooted in it” (Illustration). Her tone her is quite insistent and 

leaves no room for interpretation, nor does it suggest in any way that there is another 

side of the story (Explanation). In these ways, it is extreme (Explanation).

I have chosen to analyze the essay of Lesile Marmon Silko, The border patrol state

you can find the essay in 


here is a bit of what i wrote 

Textual Analysis

In the story “The Border Patrol State” written by a Native American writer named Leslie Marmon Silko , who is a victim of border patrolmen brutality, tells a story talking mainly about the racism targeting Native Americans and Chicanos in the United States by the border patrol agents. By using the strategies of giving examples of her own experiences and others towards the border patrol agent and using an emotional tone, she argues that the border patrol is abusing the rights of Native Americans and Chicanos in the United States.

The first strategy that silko uses to support her argument is giving examples about her personal experiences with the border patrol. She argues that the border patrol agents are abusing people based on their “look”. The first example she uses is her first experience with the border patrol which was: “I saw the headlights and emergency flashers of six vehicles-border patrol cars and a van were blocking both lanes of the highway, I will never forget that night beside the highway. There was an awful feeling of menace and violence.” This example that she gave us talks about the first time she was stopped by the border patrol agents. She can sense the feeling of violence just from the way the agents looked at her. She use emotion here to explain the situation she was in. she also said “it was clear that the uniformed men would be only too happy to drag us out of the car if we did not speedily comply with their request”, by saying this she was illustrating that the border patrol agents were looking for trouble. Another example she give is this “the weird anger of these border patrolmen made me think about descriptions in the report of Argentine Police and military officers who became addicted to tortures. When they ran out of suspects to torture and kill they resorted to the random abduction of citizens. I thought how easy it would be for the border patrol to shoot us and leave our body.” When she gave an example about a book she read she related it to the border patrolmen to illustrate the idea of the kind of mentality these men had. 

the essay must be around 800 words

Essay Sample Content Preview:
The Border Patrol State
In one of the most influential and subtle pieces that has been written about human rights and the related forms of their violation, Leslie Marmon Silko, captures the most quintessential illustration of the border patrols, along the USA and Mexican border. In the article the author brings out the fact that during the early days as she grew, there was a lot of freedom enjoyed by the Native Americans, whether in America or across the border in Mexico. Although most of the Native Americans have been mistreated before by the Americans and the policies that have been implemented, they were free and practiced patriotism. The border patrol agents at the main highways have now turned brutal against the Native Americans and the Mexicans.
Thesis statement: The border patrol agents have now turned brutal and violate human rights at the borders harassing people crossing over to the USA.
The author in the article explains to the readers about the state of the freedom in the 50s when she was a child. According to the illustrations given, the Native Americans and the Chicanos were treated fairly even though that was far from equal. At the beginning of the article, the author brings out the element of freedom that the Native Americans and the Chicanos experienced.
“Our cousin old Bill Pratt used to ride his horse 300 miles overland from Laguna, New Mexico, to Prescott, Arizona, every summer to work as a fire lookout. In school in the 1950s, we were taught that our right to travel from state to state without special papers or threat of detainment was a right that citizens under Communist and totalitarian governments did not possess. That wide open highway told us we were U.S. citizens; we were free....”
From this paragraph, it is clear that the author is trying to give the readers the impression of freedom that existed in the 50s. There is a clear indication that the author is using her personal experience in the paragraph to paint an image of a time when freedom and discrimination was not as rife as it is at the moment. In the paragraph that follows, the author creates a direct contrast in the state of affairs with reference to freedom and the rate of discrimination, against the Native Americans and the Chicanos, by the Americans. In this case, the author tries to create a parallel between the two periods, such that they can easily understand the premise of the article and the themes therein.
As the premise of the story builds up, the author gives another personal experience where the border patrols stopped their car in the middle of an abandoned highway and ordered them to get out. Th...
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