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Tessie of "The Lottery", Robert of "Cathedral", and Symbols and Theme in "Persimmons"

Essay Instructions:

Choose two questions from the eight questions, and mark which two questions are selected when writing. Questions: 1. Discuss character and its relation to theme in two of the following texts: • "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson • "A Party Down at the Square" by Ralph Ellison • "Revelation" by Flannery O'Connor • "Cathedral" by Raymond Carver • Oedipus the King by Sephocles 2. Choose two texts from fiction and discuss setting and its relation to theme. 3. Discuss figurative  language (i.e. metaphors and similes) and its relation to theme in two of the following texts: • "Diving into the Wreck" by Adrienne Rich • "Her Kind" by Anne Sexton • "Facing It" by Yusef Komunyakaa • "The Things They Carried" by Tim O'Brien • "The Yellow Wallpaper" by Charlotte Perkins Gilman 4. Choose two texts from drama and discuss complication and its relation to theme. 5. Discuss irony and its relation to theme in two of the following texts: • The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde • M Butterfly by David Henry Hwang • Stoning of Soraya M. by Cyrus Nowrasteh • "The Chrysanthemums" by John Steinbeck • "The Story of an Hour" by Kate Chopin 6. Choose three texts from poetry and discuss diction and its relation to theme. 7. Discuss symbols and its relation to theme in two of the following texts: • "Theme for English B" by Langston Hughes • "Persimmons" by Li Young Lee • "The Woman Hanging From the Thirteenth Floor" by Joy Harjo • "A&P" by John Updike • "Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?" by Joyce Carol Oates 8. Choose two texts from fiction and discuss conflict and its relation to theme. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Questions 1 and 7
Question 1
Character and its Relation to Theme
The Lottery by Shirley Jackson
The primary theme of “The Lottery” is the dangers of following traditions blindly which is evident when Tessie Hutchinson is stoned to death because of the traditions. Tessie who arrives late for the lottery is presented as a free spirit who opposes the idea, and she even claims that "it wasn't fair!" when her family draws the marked paper. Tessie is said to have drawn the wrong slip of paper and stopped being a member of the community. The character is expected to tore the lines just like other people in the community otherwise she can die. Even though traditions keep the activities of society alive, some traditions are not practicing with good intentions, and the societies may sometimes follow the beliefs blindly without questioning their ethics and morals. The character, Tessie exposes the bad side of following the tradition which even her husband cannot oppose wrongs because he is also swallowed in the beliefs. The character shows how preserving some bad traditions can be used by society to kill one of their own even though they can have an option of changing the rituals. Tessie is used as a sacrificial lamb, and she plays a key role in revealing the ritual murder that does not have a proper explanation except that they are used to it. Without the murder of the character, the theme of "The Lottery" would not have come out apparently.
“Cathedral” by Raymond Carver
The main character in “Cathedral” is the narrator who cannot see what the life offers to him and takes what he has for granted and the theme is the ability to differentiate between look and see. It is through the narrator that a reader sees the transformation from an insensitive and cynical person to a more understanding individual. The narrator finds his life banal, and he admits that he does not find pleasure in his work which seems to deny him joy or find meaning in life. The narrator helps in building the theme in the way he relates to other characters, especially Robert who seems enlightened and is opposite of what the narrator is despite being blind. The narrator is a self-centered and egotistical person with a great misunderstanding of people and relationship. It is the narrator who lacks the vision to see the world around him but feels that Robert's blindness is what defines his character. He feels that because he can see, he is capable of doing anything, unlike Robert who is blind and is capable of seeing the narrator's w...
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