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Surviving As A Homeless Person And Surviving At A Minimum Wage Jobs

Essay Instructions:

what are the main differences and similarities between surviving as a homeless person and surviving at a minimum wage jobs, working long hours and living in unstable conditions one paycheck away from homelessness?
based on both " serving in Florida" by Barbara Ehrenreich and " Dumpster diving" by Lars Eighn.

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Attaining the basic amenities of life has become a challenge to many people amidst hard economic times, joblessness and undeserving wages to laborers. Ehrenreich in “Serving in Florida” and Eighner’s “Dumpster diving” provide a preview of hopelessness in wagering poverty. Living a decent life with housing, healthcare, education, clothing, and food is a struggle for many. As a waitress, Ehrenreich hops from job to job. Living under minimum wage is not financially viable forcing her to take up two jobs to survive. In Dumpster diving, Eighner describes the homelessness life he lives where he has to scavenge for food in dump sites.
To eat safely, Eighner has principles to abide by to differentiate between the safe and edible food and the poisonous and dangerous rot. Scavenging is a profession on its own. Just like job hunting and being employed, scavenging required skills, timing, and knowledge of dumping hours, the dumpers and reasons for dumping waste. Conversely, Ehrenreich has to work long hours with no breaks to earn few dollars that are not enough to pay her rent and afford meals. She even tries to take breaks to take a bite but gets shunned by her boss. Working is overwhelming and she suffers pain but keeps on taking painkillers to manage the shifts. The two stories exhibit individuals with similar characteristics of poverty. Eighner dedicated his savings and pay to rent prior to being homeless just like Ehrenreich is doing. Both authors have work to do to meet basic necessities. Ehrenreich works as a server and house-help while Eighner is a scavenger at the dumpsite.
Differential aspects exist where Ehrenreich has a job and lives in an apartment. Though the cond...
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