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An Analysis Study of Literary Works: Views of Race

Essay Instructions:

The final exam will cover all the books we have read in class and will consist of three parts: 1) a long essay (about two blue-book pages) in which you will be asked to choose four books and compare them on a choice of topics(About 600 words); 2) two or three short essays (perhaps two paragraphs each), in each of which you will be asked to compare two books. The essays will be on topics of the sort you wrote about in your papers. They will include, for example, topics such as these:
Views of race;
Views of gender;
The relation of self to community;
What holds us together;
Is there such a thing as an individual;
Living without identity-markers.
These are the books:
Benjamin Franklin, Autobiography,
Charles Brockden Brown, Wieland,
ames Fenimore Cooper, The Prairie,
Harriet Beecher Stowe, Uncle Tom’s Cabin ,
Frederick Douglass, The Narrative
Nathaniel Hawthorne, The Blithedale Romance
These books are easy to find online. Thank you.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
An Analysis Study of Literary Works
An analysis of literal works provides us with the opportunity to dissect issues of interest in different historical contexts. The paper, therefore, will analyze different literary works namely; Cooper's, The Prairie; Stowe's, Uncle Tom's Cabin; Frederick Douglass, The Narrative and Hawthorne's, The Blithedale Romance. The paper will look at topics of interest in the four books and compare them.
Views of Race
The narrative of Fredrick Douglass provides us with a potent view of race relations in that historical context. The white race is viewed by the settles as being superior. Slaves are categorized as possessions and are grouped together with livestock. This is noted when his master dies, and all possessions are divided up between the son and daughter. The views of race in Uncle Tom's cabin are profoundly similar to those in the narrative. This can be attributed in part to the books both being antislavery texts.
The four books have different views of gender. In the Narrative, Douglass is exposed to different expositions on gender. Mr. Auld shows extreme violence towards women particularly his beating of Henny in Chapter 9. His violence is, however, based on racial profiling as he is not violent with his wife even when he catches her teaching slaves to read. Douglass notes that even though the society is patriarchal, there is a defined softness and subservience expected of men to the women in the society. In the Blithedale romance, we see conflicting views of gender. Zenobia is made out initially as weak, being represented by the flower. Her actions, later on, counteract this, her willingness to fight for the love of Hollingsworth to the point of suicide, is a male mannerism. In Uncle Tom's Cabin, the women are painted as being strong despite their gender. Circumstances were forcing them to adopt the male characteristics to survive as a slave. We note this when Eliza chooses to escape with her son rather than let he be sold into slavery. Her actions in fighting for her freedom and life continue to support his view.
In both the Narrative and Uncle Tom's Cabin, the main protagonists attempt to separate themselves from identity markers i.e. slaves. The protagonists note that they cannot exist as human beings and enjoy a full life when they are tainted by that identity marker. Fredrick Douglass thoughts on escaping to the North are his attempt on reinventing his identity. He later does this by purchasing his emancipation from his slave owner. In the Cabin, Eliza escapes to free her son from the slavery title. Her husband George Harris had earlier escaped. Uncle Tom is instrumental in convincing Cassy and Emmeline to escape.
In the Cabin, the writer Stowe holds that religion is the cornerstone of society. She skillfully weaves religion into the character of Tom, the main protagonist. His belief in Christianity is heavily tested, but h...
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