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Writing Assignment About The Story Of On The River By Tim O’brien

Essay Instructions:

TOPIC/ASSIGNMENT: "Discuss the ideas developed by the text creator in your chosen text about an individual's attempt to reconcile [justify] the desire to act independently with the need for security". Standard 5 paragraph essay. The story is On the Rainy River by Tim O'Brien. Included is the short story in question

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Literature and Language
27 November 2017
On the Rainy River
The ideas developed in the text about a person’s need to reconcile with the desire to act independently for security in the story of On the River by Tim O’Brien will be discussed in this paper. Based on the story, the ideas mentioned can be applied to everyday life even if the setting of the author’s text took place during the war. O’Brien weighs on decision making, morality, and his respectability. A person’s independence is not instantly gained and there are a lot of experiences they must go through.
When O’Brien remembers the ideas he had upon receiving the draft notice, he questioned his own eligibility to be in the war due to his educational accomplishments and graduate school marks. During the summer, he ends up working at a slaughterhouse and a plant that does meatpacking. This is an unpleasant and messy job, making him feel like he does not have a control over his life. By mentioning this as part of his experiences, it exemplifies a person’s struggle at the beginning of finding one’s own path to having a good life. While working in the slaughterhouse, the thought of crossing the border to Canada crossed his mind so he does not have to become part of the draft again. This is a decision which is going to go against his morals and he will lose the respect of people around him in case he gets caught. In this part of the story, the text creator gives a relatable experience to those who think that there is no other way to pursue...
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