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Solving World Hunger

Essay Instructions:

write this essay to your fifty-years old adult self:relate what you intend to have done by then which will have made the world a better place. limits this topic to one specific concern you have"the hunger people": state the concern and why it is important,your specific actions,and how those actions will diminish the concern I already written the introduction, para1, para2, but I want to correct my writing mistake and proofread and I want a good thesis statement and strong hook and the paragraph 3 I want it about how my action will diminish the concern and I need a good conclusion the essay talk about the hunger people the essay is attached

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Mohamed AlSaabri
Name of Professor
English and Literature
Solving World Hunger
When taking a meal, how many people take a moment and appreciate that they have food unlike other people who are suffering from hunger? Not many people think about the rest of the world which is hunger stricken. The problem does not seem real as cases of hunger stricken communities are only seen on television. In many instances, people who are hunger stricken go even for months without having any food to eat. Missing only one meal in a day makes people from well fed communities feel like their world is coming to a halt. Going hungry for long periods of time and even watching children die from hunger is an excruciating experience. The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization place approximately 870 million people out of the 7.1 billion global population suffering from hunger between the years 2010 and 2012. The statistics has an impact and helps people realize just how much world hunger is a real problem. Starvation is an extremely painful experience and is non selective when hunger strikes.
When walking in the streets and seeing people throwing away food when there are so many people out in the world suffering through hunger really burdens me. Starvation kills many people in a single day in comparison to the world's deadliest diseases combined. Statistics collected on death of children under the age of five, nearly half the number of deaths are due to lack of food. This places the number of children dying from hunger at approximately 3.1 million. These statistics are shocking as the same children are to be the future of this world. The situation begs for the attention of every person who can afford some luxury in their life to extend some humanitarian actions to the hunger stricken communities. This obligation should be carried by everybody and they should all contribute to easing hunger in the world. For example, instead of buying a cheeseburger at $5 dollars I can donate the money, which can be used to feed 20 children in developing countries. Solving world hunger is achievable through reducing wastage of food produced and participating in charitable actions through donations. Individual efforts at donations are additive globally, resulting in the mass production of relief food.
Personal Reflection
The word of God also obligates people offer help to people in need. I am a religious person, and thus, it is my duty to abide by God's word. In Holy Quran God says that we have an obligation to help and not withhold from feeding the needy. In the Islamic religion, I practice fasting in the holy month of Ramadhan. During the holy month, we offer food to the needy and by carrying out my religious duty I improve the lives of people in the world. All religious practices in the world have a singular teaching. The word of God teaches us that we are all brothers and sisters in His eyes and we should be each others keepers. Being kind to one another defines our humanity, and as we all refer to oursel...
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