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Sociological Forces and Imagination

Essay Instructions:

The paper needs to be written at least four pages (1000 words) to do a really good job.

The paper will be graded on four criteria: engagement, citation, quality of writing and proofreading, and punctuality.

According to the instruction attached, you will need some personal information from me, like my birth year, 1979. Please feel free to request any more details as per the instructions.

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Sociological Imagination
Social forces are ways created by human beings that determine interaction, behavior, and thinking among members of society (Sociology Guide). Social forces are impersonal and remote. No one knows who created them, and when they were created. However, these social forces can either be embraced, bypassed, or challenged by current members of society (Sociology Guide). On the one hand, most people like to believe that social forces are essential because they bring people together and create a sense of stability. On the other hand, some people find that social forces are an anchor on society and should be lifted to allow society to move on. While some social forces are universal, some are culturally specific. As a result, different people are affected by different social forces. This paper explores the social forces that shape my life and how they might influence future outcomes that I experience in life.
My year of birth is 1979. The advantages of being born in this year are many. As an individual born between generations, one does not have to conform to a particular generation's behaviors (Loehr). They can skip from one generation to the next. This is the advantage of my birth year. I can observe behaviors from both generation Xs and millennials and decide which fits me the most. At the same time, as an inbetweener, I act as a bridge between members of generation X and millennials. I understand how each behaves, and in almost all contexts, I can bring the two together (Loehr). Therefore, my knowledge of either generation gives me an added advantage over them. However, as an inbetweener, my future experiences will be shaped by social forces from generation X and the millennial generation. Therefore, I will often find myself behaving, interacting, and thinking in ways that are similar to both generations. Depending on the context, I will act, interact, and think in a certain way.
I come from a Nigerian family of eight. Nigeria is a country with great culture and strict morals. My heritage has heavily influenced my life. In a Nigerian family, parents are rigorous, and this has affected my personality (Opata 234). I have a strong moral standpoint and do not tolerate any disrespect towards the elderly. The African way of life is quite different from western culture. In America, young people openly criticize their parents and elders. However, in Africa, this kind of behavior is frowned upon. In a Nigerian setting, an individual can get cursed for disrespecting an older person. This kind of strict upbringing is one I have been brought up in. It is also the same kind of upbringing that I have used with my children.
Nigerian way of life also means strict adherence to religion. In Nigeria, deviating from one's religious background is unacceptable (Okeke et al. 2). For instance, my family is catholic. Unless my husband follows a different faith, I should remain catholic. Also, my children should be raised in the same faith. As an individual living in the twenty-first century, strict adherence to religion has come as a challenge. In today's world, people are free to choose from different faiths. Atheism is even becoming more popular in Nigeria. As a highly educated individual living in the twenty-first century, I can decide to change my religion. However, the strict culture in which I have been b...
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