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ENC 1101: Slavery in Present and Past American Societies Paper

Essay Instructions:

This two-three page essay should be typed in 12 pt. font (Times New Roman), double-spaced (no quadruple spacing between paragraphs), and with standard one-inch margins. Your name, my name, the class and section, and due date should be placed in the upper left-hand corner of the first page. Students must use two sources in this essay. When using quotes, students should refer to the MLA style section of the The Little Brown Compact Handbook (pgs. 462-518) and the Longman Reader (pgs. 606-637). Cite Your Sources. 
IN grading, special attention will be given to the following:
Introduction – Significance Statement (hook/lead)
Introduction – Points of development
Introduction – Thesis
Introduction – Frame
Topic Sentences
Conclusion – Connections 
Overall Development
Grammar & Punctuation
• No Lists in the Introduction
• No Announcements
• No Second Person
• No Contractions
• You must use a frame
• You must use the One-side-at-a-time Method
A comparison/contrast essay may be handled in two ways: (1) You can discuss the similarities between two subjects that are very different, or (2) You can discuss the differences between two subjects that are similar. You will probably produce a stronger essay, a more persuasive argument, if your thesis is directed to either similarities or differences, not both. Generally, however, the second approach is more applicable to real-life situations and results in a more meaningful discussion.
A good website that is able to assist you with the comparison/contrast content and format can be found on this website: http://www(dot)unc(dot)edu/depts/wcweb/handouts/comparison_contrast.html
Essay Topics:
• Consider a place you know well that has changed for the better (worse). You might focus on a renovated church or school, a rehabilitated neighborhood, or a newly preserved park. Focus on the contrast of before and after.
• Choose two advertisements for the same product or from the same company. Look closely at how the advertisements may differ. You will want to look especially close at the varied approaches to reaching a certain demographic. Three elements of a demographic might be the target age, the target class/economy, and the target gender. A successful essay will incorporate the propaganda techniques found in Ann McClintock’s essay that we discussed in class 
• Consider education in the 1910s and the different methods of instruction and different material that might have been taught as compared to a present-day education. 
• Children’s toys (activities) at the beginning of the 21st century compared to the toys(activities) at the beginning of the 20th century.
• Does slavery still exist in America? Look closely at the prison system and determine the differences or similarities between pre-Civil War slavery and contemporary slavery found in America.
• Compare the Vietnam War with the War in Iraq, identifying similarities in the causes, development, and outcomes of the wars. 
• Discuss the methods of treating Depression in the 1890s compared to the methods implemented today.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Slavery in Present and Past American Societies.
There has been a lot of talk about the American prison system. Does slavery still exist in America? Some people will agree while some will disagree and they will have their reasons. But a closer look at the American prison systems and the analysis of numbers in the prisons will make one agree that slavery still exists in America. The contemporary American society still has racism just like the earlier days, especially through its prison system and from the fact that most prisoners are of African descent.
Side 1
The aim of slavery in the early days was due to the need for cheap labor. In the early days, of colonization of North America by Europeans, it was discovered there was a shortage of labor. To solve this issue, Africans were shipped to America in the seventeenth century as a source of cheap labor. The Africans were required to work on tobacco farms. As this was happening, the slaves could not protest since they had no legal means to. Some of them would fake sickness to avoid the heavy work, and some would even commit suicide.
Secondly, most of the slaves were blacks. As mentioned earlier, the African continent was the main source of slaves to provide the cheap labor in the North American farms. As the American continent continued opening up for settlement and agriculture, more and more were fetched from the African continent, in what would come to be called the triangle trade, between Africa, Europe and North America.
Side 2
Fast forward to the present day and the American prison system is in crisis. The numbers are alarming. There are approximately 2 million inmates in America. This includes those in the private, state and federal prisons. In a period of 28 years, from 1972 to 2000, the population of inmates in America grew from 300,000 inmates to 2 million. There was an increase from 5 to 100 private prisons...
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