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Skill Check: To What Extent Do Students Review Their Work?

Essay Instructions:

Only need to do 2-5, donot need to do 1, 150words per paragraph

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Literature and Language
Rhetorical Analysis
There exists a differential margin in the students’ performance from their initial expectations. Felthan and Sharen review the different approaches that students may employ while writing assignments for submission to narrow the margin of their outcomes and their expectations. The underlying concern is the student’s perception of revision and their general attitude towards revising their work. They propose different models which may be adopted in assessment and assignment design to improve the student’s skills with each subsequent assignment. Different interventions are employed to help students improve their skills by generating, reevaluating, reformulating, and refining the objectives of their writing at different stages.
Rhetorical Questions
To what extent do students review their work?
How do students perceive the growth in their writing skills?
What role does revision play to help merge the student’s expectations and their actual performance?
What would be the impact of mandatory revision friendly frameworks?
Is there a change in the mindset with every intervention strategy on revision?
What are the merits and the demerits, if any, associated with revising one’s work?
What are the possible areas of improvement on the strategies to improve performance in the future?
How does one apply what is learned in completing the assessments?
What are the personal responsibilities in the effort to improve one’s performance?
How does one lay a suitable foundation for every writing exercise?
The essence of reading and revising one's work is to help them assess if their work is in line with expected learning outcomes, assess feedback and present the work in an acceptable manner.
As an effort to improve the performance of the students, the introduction of a mandatory revision framework such as peer reviews before the final work is submitted is essential. The use of a peer review system employs a range of activities encapsulated in peer reviews such as peer assessment, peer evaluation, and peer learning (Reinholz 302). Employing these strategies before a student submits their final work improves their confidence in their writing and aligns their outcome expectations with that of their instructors.
The assessment design is also critical to the performance of the students. The development of a rubric is essential to counter check the written work against the expectations. Designing a rubric for an assessment helps the student through a purposeful research process, better organization of ideas and in presenting quality arguments in line with the outcome requirements. Concerted efforts between the instructors and students help foresee the growth of the students’ writing skills and level the gap between the students’ performance expectation and the actual outcome.
The basic expectations towards improving one's writing and reading skills are ensuring that the basic instructions are followed. In this light, I ought to spend a significant amount of time reading the instructions to understand the basic requirements of an assignment. After understa...
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