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Similarities of Cole's Black Lives Movement and Ryder's Rhetorical Analysis of Real World

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Write a summary.
Read two articles about rhetorical analysis and photography ("Rhetorical Analysis in the Real World a Useful Thinking Tool" by Phyllis Mentzell Ryder and "The Super Hero Photographs of the Black Lives Matter Movement" by Teju Cole and draw a connection between these two works.

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There are indeed major similarities between Teju Cole’s article The Superhero Photographs of the Black Lives Matter Movement and Phyllis Mentzell Ryder’s A Useful Thinking Tool: Rhetorical Analysis in the Real World. In one instance, Teju Cole, author of the New York Times article The Superhero Photographs of the Black Lives Matter Movement, notes that “And yet (“nevertheless”), the things we think of as “intriguing but comparatively minor” must also be attended to, in part because of how they illuminate what is not at all minor.” The truth is people often ignore or cast aside that which they do not understand. Others simply consider somethings irrelevant even though there is always potential for there being more than someone can comprehend. In a similar line of thought, Ryder in her article A Useful Thinking Tool: Rhetorical Analysis in the Real World, provides a vivid description of what the value of rhetorical analysis is. She says, “It provides a way to slow down and pay attention to how the accumulation of seemingly small choices within a text build to something bigger. It gives a glimpse into how language – whether words or images – shape our relationships to ideas and to each other.” If there are bits or parts which clearly show both authors congruence, it is the two excerpts above. Cole notes that while some things can be considered minor or ones whi...
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