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Should Women be paid the same as man? (Men should be paid more than women in the US)

Essay Instructions:
Hello dear sir or madam. First of all I want clarify that I\'m first year international student in the US university, and my english is not that\'s perfect, so I want the papers that you are going to write them for me not very professional, and easy to understand. Also, Could you please use an easy vocabulary? In this assignment. I want you to write a disagreement about women should be paid same as man in US by using sources from the article and the video that I add down, the purpose of using sources is to support my position which is disagreement of women should be paid same as man. Also, if you prefer to use your own sources, that\'s fine with me; you should write the sources that you use in the end of the paper, and I prefer that the sources you are going to use are an articles not a book. And please please make it normal and sample. Also, could you please fallow the description I write them down for you? It\'s important to look over the description, because that\'s what my professor want me to fallow. the video: http://www(dot)youtube(dot)com/watch?v=EwogDPh-Sow the article: http://dpeaflcio(dot)org/archives/policy-letters-and-statements/op-ed-why-women-dont-deserve-equal-pay/ The purpose of this essay is to practice the ever-important technique of acknowledging the ideas of another author, while separating yourself from those ideas. For this assignment you will write a 3 page essay (typed and in MLA format) that 1) describes a line of reasoning that you have recently encountered with which you disagree (e.g. you might write about a recent conversation with a friend, a political decision, a recent news story, something you read for another course – anything that you have recently encountered with which you disagree; 2) using the technique of “coming to terms”, identify and discuss the aims/purposes of author(s), the methods used to achieve those aims, the concepts and keywords used, and the uses and limits of those ideas; 3) using the methods of forwarding and/or countering, discuss this idea/concept now that you have come to terms with it (i.e. analyzed this idea from a critical distance). Consider the methods of extending, authorizing, arguing the other side, etc. How might you use these in your countering/forwarding of this idea?
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Men should be paid more than women in the US
Coy and Dwoskin offer a scenario where a certain woman realized that she was getting lower pay than her male counterparts holding a similar job description to hers She had been in that position for nineteen years and she had never realized that her colleagues were getting fifteen to forty percent more than she was getting (Coy and Dwoskin n.p). This discovery is the scenario on which the two writers based their explanation as to why women earn substantially less than their male counterparts holding similar jobs do.
The two writers indicate that there are several factors that contribute to the lower salary scales for women. Women often spend years in the workplace without ever noticing that their male counterparts in the same jobs receive higher salaries because discussion about salaries is often frowned upon in the workplace. They also discuss that policies such as the Equal Pay Act that seek to abolish the perceived discrimination on the basis of sex are largely ineffective in solving the timeless problem.
They use the method of exploring the dynamics at play in influencing the salary differences. They note that the differences in salaries between men and women have drastically reduced over time. However, the margin increases as people scale ranks on the professional ladder. They also note that men get higher pay because they choose careers with higher pay than women and so the women in low paying careers such as social work continue to earn considerably lower salaries (Coy and Dwoskin n.p). The writers present these facts to indicate that women have not been discriminated upon in the work place. On the contrary, their choices such as choosing competitive careers are the determining factors as to whether or not they would get equal pay (Coy and Dwoskin n.p).
Some of the terms that recur in the article include discrimination and choices (Coy and Dwoskin n.p). These give a strong indication that the writers are more inclined to the stance that women have not been discriminated in the salary computation in comparison to their male counterparts. There have been policies tailored to favor women in the workplace but they have failed to accomplish their intended purpose because women’s compensation is regarded as consummate to their productivity. The authors use the word choice to indicate that if women were to get equal pay they would have to make hard decisions. For instance, they would be required to take on highly paid careers such as Engineering as opposed to lower paying ones such as education They would also require consider taking fewer family roles to allow for minimal interference with their work.
The article serves the purpose of explaining the reasons why women get less pay than their male counterparts. They indicate that the trend has been sustained despite the enactment of various legal policies. This indicates...
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