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Pharmaceutical Companies: Should They Be Allowed to Have Advertisements?

Essay Instructions:

you will want to write a traditional five-paragraph essay, which consists of an introduction paragraph, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion paragraph. In the introduction, you should respond directly to and take a stand on the question raised by the prompt. In each body paragraph, you should provide one reason for your stand and support it with at least two details to back it up. Finally, your conclusion should sum up your ideas by restating your main points. No outside sources are allowed just based on it on your personal opinion and what you think is right.

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Pharmaceutical Companies: Should They Be Allowed to Have Advertisements?
The media has a significant effect on the views of its audience. This statement applies to all media types because it is a form of communication to the public. Hence, all products advertised by the media, especially when the advertisement involves a known individual, will directly influence them. Pharmaceutical companies are currently allowed to place and air advertisements on television, the internet, and social media platforms. Since drugs may positively or negatively affect the public's health, and governments must always prioritize the patients' welfare, any government should not permit this.
Advertisements by pharmaceutical companies should be forbidden due to the following accounts. First, marketing strategies can deceive consumers, and these can result in misinformation. In turn, the advertisements favor the specific brand financially. Companies or manufacturers may coordinate with websites to conduct surveys and quizzes that consist of leading and non-leading questions, which are not an appropriate combination of inquiries. Then, after taking the survey or quiz, a result will show that it will favor the interests of a specific company or brand. For example, a company may conduct an examination that is focused on symptom-mapping. After the quiz, all the recommendations may be the same, even when the people who took the quiz have different symptoms. As a result, the company will recommend their product to the consumers, thereby encouraging the consumers to buy the product, especially when the product is an over-the-counter drug.
Second, advertisements may have a low quality of information. In the United States, direct-to-consumer advertising frequently highlights the benefits of the drug while omitting the risks such a...
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