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Short Story: The Last Dive Mishap

Essay Instructions:

An MLA-formatted heading in the top left corner (your name, instructor’s name, class name, date)

Your last name and page numbers in the top right corners (see the Syllabus page's "Formatting Assignments" for a guide if you don’t know how to create these)

Use 12 pt Times New Roman font overall (you may use different fonts in poetry if you have a reason for using them)

Under your heading, add the following:

A content warning is required if your submission contains potentially sensitive material (sexual assault, graphic violence, self-harm, etc.); see the About Workshop 1 page for information regarding this.

The first 2-3 pages of a short story (fiction)

Your short story should be double spaced and have a working title.

The story's topic/subject matter is up to you, and should somehow speak back to what we did in the "Creator's Subject" Module--personal passions, places, culture/history, the everyday, and transitions or liminality are all good jumping off points for your story. However, your story cannot be for children, and cannot be fanfiction.

2-3 pages of poetry

Write multiple poems. Strive for variety when it comes to craft; use rhyme in some, but not others, play with form, experiment with different rhythms and meters in each, etc.

Topics/subject matter is up to you. Your poetry may have a singular theme that all share, or you may explore multiple themes. They should somehow speak back to what we did in the "Creator's Subject" Module--personal passions, places, culture/history, the everyday, and transitions or liminality are all good jumping off points for your poetry.

Poetry should be single-spaced. Boldface your poem titles, and leave a little white space between poems—enough to show readers where one poem ends and the next one begins.

This is the instruction and It can be any topic on fiction and poem except politics, porn and violence. I do want two page of fictions and two page of poem. Thank you!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Instructor’s Name
Course Details
Date Of Submission
The Last Dive Mishap
I had been waiting for this day for weeks. It was the end of summer and I was finally going to fulfill my dream of diving into the deep blue sea. I had everything planned out perfectly – my scuba gear was ready, my friends were coming along and we had booked the perfect spot to dive in. But as the day approached, I couldn't help but feel a little apprehensive. It was early in the morning when we set out for the dive. The sea was calm and the sky was clear – the perfect day for a dive. We reached the spot and started gearing up. As I put on my scuba gear, my heart started racing. I had never been this close to the open sea before. I looked at my friends and they gave me a reassuring smile. We descended into the water and started swimming towards the reef.
As we approached the reef, I was awestruck by the beauty of it. The colors were so vibrant and the marine life was so diverse. I couldn't believe that I was actually witnessing all of this with my own eyes. We swam around for a while, admiring the beauty of the sea. We saw schools of fish swimming by, and I even saw a sea turtle swimming gracefully in the distance. After a while, we decided to venture a little deeper. As we swam deeper, the water got darker and the pressure started to build. It was a little unnerving, but I pushed myself to keep going. We finally reached the bottom and I saw something that took my breath away. It was a shipwreck.
The ship was huge, covered in coral and surrounded by schools of fish. It was an eerie sight, but at the same time, it was so fascinating. I couldn't believe that I was actually seeing a shipwreck up close. We started exploring the wreck and I saw things that I had only ever read about in books. There were old artifacts scattered around, and I even saw a few cannons lying on the ocean floor. As we continued exploring, I suddenly realized that my oxygen was running low. I signaled to my friends and we started making our way back to the surface. But as we started ascending, something went wrong with my gear. My regulator was malfunctioning, and I was struggling to breathe. Panic set in, and I started gasping for air. I tried to calm myself down, but my heart was racing, and my head was spinning.
My friends noticed that something was wrong, and they quickly swam over to me. They tried to help me fix my gear, but it was too late. My oxygen tank was empty, and I couldn't breathe. I felt like I was suffocating, and I knew that I was in trouble. I looked at my friends, and I could see the fear in their eyes. I knew that I was their responsibility, and they were doing everything they could to help me. But it was too late. I took one last breath and closed my eyes.
When I opened my eyes, I was lying on the beach. My friends were gathered around me, and I cou...
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