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Self respect

Essay Instructions:
Define Self-Respect from your own perspective, offering examples of people you believe do and do not possess self-respect as you define it.
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Name: Instructor: Course: Date: Self-Respect When one looks in the mirror, there is an image of oneself staring back at them. It is a representation of what the world sees as one walks around. It is a however, not the representation of the respect that one has for themselves. Self-respect is a concept that is quite common. However, not all the people have the element of common self-respect and certainly not all the time. It is important to understand what self-respect means to be in a position to establish the basics of the concept. It can be defined as pride as well as the confidence that one has in themselves. It is also the feeling that one has, where they feel that they are behaving as they should, with honor and in dignity. When one is able to hold themselves to higher standards, they are considered to be self-respecting. Self-respect is not simply restricted to holding oneself to a higher standard in the public. This is the most common understanding of self-respect. However, there is another layer of self-respect, and this is associated with the way one behaves when they are alone. For most people, when they go out, they will hold their manner in high esteem as they are in places where they can be judged. This is a common element given the positions one holds in their society or even the responsibilities that one has. However, it is the things that one does when they are alone that mostly define the level of self-respect one has been able to attain. Being able to maintain the high standard of behaviors that one shows in public within the private time that one spends in the house or other places. It is the little things that one does in their private life that define how much they respect themselves. Self-respect is also associated with the element of confidence. This is the innate believe in oneself that they can do what is required of them. Where one is confident about their abilities it is very easy for them to also have self-respect. As such, they do not have to be involved in activities that ashamed them in the name of covering the fact that they do not believe in themselves. The element of confidence comes in when is faced with the dilemma of compromi...
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